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Change Management: Types and How to Integrate

5 min read
Last Updated on 24 June, 2021
Change Management: Types and How to Integrate

As we have known, change has always been an integral part of everyone’s life for the greater good. Of course, one may embrace change, while others might not find it easy to cope. But we can be sure of one thing. Change is necessary for the development and future advancements.

Organizations have accepted the need to revolutionize often and work on new innovations that can be pivotal towards employee engagement. And to deal with the ever-growing corporate world, change management has played a crucial role in helping organizations go through the transitions.

However, have you ever wondered what change management is and how it has helped organizations?

We will be discussing just that and how an organization can adopt ways to implement change management.

What is Change Management?

Change management can be defined as the system through which an organization deals with overall change or transition in terms of technology, culture, or long-term goals. The primary basis of change management is to prepare an organization for the future through a smooth transitional process.

The different levels of change management should be first planned and tested. Then, an organization can further advance to the following stages.

The stages thus include proper communication, prompt scheduling, and final implementation of the system. To run the process smoothly, everyone within the organization should understand the process and embrace what it brings with it.

One of the most critical factors of the organizational change management system is that it must be documented in each stage. Documentation holds the key to all the detailed transitions and changes, which in the future will help the organization to revert the changes if it does not fit them.

Types of Change Management

  1. Operational Change-

These type of changes mainly focuses on customer experiences and their satisfaction levels. With the growing market and extreme competitive pressure, organizations need to change their way of operating to provide exceptional service and improved product quality.

Operational changes can include changing work processes, upgrading the existing active technology, enhanced management of your clients, etc.

  1. Strategic Change-

A strategic change can be defined as a change in the organization’s management level. These changes are implemented to improve the existing management process and automate it according to the always evolving corporate world.

  1. Cultural Change-

Cultural changes are focused more on the ideals and beliefs of the organization. Therefore, a cultural change within the organization will always be an overwhelming task requiring tremendous dedication and effort from both the management and the employees.

The main factor is that you will bring various thoughts and ideas that everyone in the organization needs to learn. Hence, it is a time-consuming process that requires proper understanding and evaluation.

  1. Developmental Change-

Such organizational changes are based on the new world advancements. As a result, companies overhaul their existing systems and bring in the newly developed technology in the market.

Such changes need a specific budget and thorough planning by which they can be executed with a smooth transition. Before implementing developmental changes, provide all the basic and necessary training so that your workforce quickly adapts to the transformation.

Integrating Change Management in your Organization

1. Adequate Planning

Successful transitions and changes in the organization need proper and prompt planning. The plan should include managing the changes in steps and gradually working on it little by little.

The more thorough planning you have, the higher are the chances that you will have a smooth transformation of things and embracing change management.

2. Clear Communication

For change management to be understood by everyone within the organization, you need to communicate well with your workforce. You need to create a business environment where your employees can come up with their queries instantly.

Use the right communication tools to have less scope of confusion, and everyone can connect with each other with less effort. When there is good communication within the organization, employees tend to have a firm grip on the transition that revolves around them.

3. Maintain Transparency

Successful change management is only possible when you are transparent about all the things within your organization. Ensure to keep everyone in the loop about what is going on and what will be coming in their way.

When you maintain transparency, it builds a sense of trust in your employees. They reflect by trying to bring change in themselves and accept the challenges put in front of them.

4. Listen

Any organization that does not has the organizational culture where listening is practiced tends to struggle. However, suppose you do not want to be in the same boat. In that case, you should practice the art of listening to everyone in the organization.

When you try to bring change, always keep room for others to raise their voice and ideas about the change you want to get. Try to listen and understand what they want to put in front of the table. Then, heed on them and make your changes around it. This will give your employees a sense of responsibility and be more inclined towards the organization.

5. Goal Setting

Change management is only attainable if you are clear about what goals and objectives you want to achieve with it. Once you are sure of the plans, ensure that everyone in the organization gets a thorough briefing about them.

A more precise set of goals will give you a proper organizational structure, which will help your employees and managers a good reference point. This way, they will be able to align their work and increase their change management efforts.

6. Training Employees

Conduct training sessions and induct skill development programs so that your workforce has the adequate resources to adapt to the changes. Then, back them with everything and give them the necessary time to understand the differences.

When you focus on bringing change, make sure to heed your workforce’s needs. The more tools you provide them with, the easier it will be to accept the transitional phase. Therefore, easing your efforts towards change management and enhancing the employees’ capabilities with a structured approach.

Summing it Up

Bringing in new changes and swiftly adapting to them can be an overwhelming task. However, it is an achievable one that needs to be properly planned and implemented. One thing to keep in mind is that your workforce needs to back you up, and you need to do the same as well.

They have to understand and see the bigger picture of what the change will bring in and how it will develop them into a better employee. Just try to maintain focus and be more consistent with the process, and everything will fall in its place.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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