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Coaching For Managers: 5 Skills You Need to Promote

6 min read
Last Updated on 07 July, 2021
Coaching For Managers: 5 Skills You Need to Promote

With the changing dynamics of the corporate world, it’s not only employees that need to develop. They need to adapt and upskill to improve their overall performance. It is what your managers need too. Thus, coaching for managers is something that every company needs to seriously consider.

The ever-growing corporate market demands managers to become experts in their field of work. The more upskilled your managers are, the better will they adapt to changes. This further supports the managers both professionally and personally. However, without a robust coaching system, it becomes difficult for managers to train the employees and make them proficient in their job.

But how does coaching for managers help an organization? And how can you, as a leader, facilitate the proper coaching practices? Let’s take a look.

What is Coaching For Managers?

Coaching for managers is a leadership practice that focuses on upskilling and developing the managers. The purpose of this practice is to train managers to be better leaders and build a stronger team.
Here’s a scenario for you.

Imagine if a manager lacks the proper knowledge about a particular topic. This shortcoming can confuse the employees as the manager will not guide them in the right direction. It will halt the progress of a workforce and increase frustration.

Managers need to holistically increase their skills over time and adapt well to changes.

Without an adequate understanding of how to deal with modernization, it becomes difficult for managers to put forward new ideas and foster innovation. This can have a negative impact in the long run for both the employees and the organization.

5 Coaching Skills for Managers That Will Help the growth of the Employees

1. Know how to Delegate


Not every manager has an understanding of how delegation works. People mistake delegation with dictatorship. There are also cases where managers are on the authoritative side. They do not delegate but misuse their power and authority. That can be detrimental to the employees’ morale.

However, as a leader, the managers must be taught how to practice delegation appropriately. You can conduct sessions focusing solely on delegation and how managers can do it effectively.

The focus should be on:


With the right approach and coaching for managers, they can learn the suitable way to assign the tasks. Doing so will increase the efficiency of their team and accomplish remarkable success.

2. The Art of Communicating Well


Driving success is not about setting expectations without onboarding the team first. The reality is different. It is about transparently communicating with the employees.

The art of communication helps in:


As a leader, you might be aware of the fact that communication is a two-way process. Therefore, to instill a proper communication channel, you need to be concise about the message you want to convey.

On the other hand, you need to listen to others as well and understand their perspective. It is a skill that can be honed with time and with the correct coaching practices.

Your managers should know how pivotal communication is for a team. They need to be aware of this fact. And proper coaching for managers helps in educating them and upskilling their communication skills.

This, in return, will assist the managers in connecting with their team members and bringing improved efficiency.

3. Ability to Ask the Right Questions


A diverse workforce consists of employees that come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and races. In addition, every person has a varying thought process and mindset. In between all that, the chances of a conflict increase with time. And resolving it as soon as possible is the best possible option to maintain harmony.

But do your managers have the required skills to solve a conflict? Or do they often leave it unresolved, leading to more problems? As a leader, you need to contemplate whether how proficient they are while dealing with a conflict.

To resolve any conflict, a manager needs to:


With the right coaching for managers, they can acquire the skills mentioned above and help teams resolve conflicts. As a leader, you can provide paid classes to elevate their conflict resolution skills. This will help them in assessing the situation better and frame open-ended questions accordingly.

4. Understanding the Power of Recognition and Appreciation


Rewarding, recognizing, and appreciating the employees for their efforts is crucial for an organization. It drives job satisfaction and employee engagement in the long run.

Doing so creates a sense of loyalty that makes your people want to stay. 63% of employees recognized for their efforts are less likely to look for a new job.

However, meaningful appreciation is a skill that needs to be learned. It is how you make your employees feel valued. Managers like to believe that they are fostering a culture that is based on appreciation.

That is not the case if you look at the bigger picture. For example, more than 52% of employees feel that their rewards strategy is not aligned with organizational goals.

Now that can pose a significant challenge in promoting an engaged workforce.

As a leader, providing proper coaching for managers is the best possible way to drive the idea of rewards and recognition.

It helps in:


The method of coaching must be kept simple and understandable. This will help the managers to grasp the knowledge and implement it most efficiently.

Recommended Resource: The Ultimate Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition

5. Fostering People Management to Promote Teamwork


Collaboration is not an easy task when you have a diverse workforce. People with varying ideas and interests will create turmoil. The main focus is, however, how skilled your managers are in people management.

Good people management helps in:


People management comes with appropriate learning and experience. Offering coaching for managers can aid in mitigating such issues. It helps in instilling good people managerial skills that in turn increase the potential of the employees. Furthermore, such skills build confidence, motivation and reduce stress during difficult situations in managers.

A workforce with great teamwork has the potential to accomplish complex tasks- even amidst challenges. Therefore, the focus should be on elevating a managers’ overall understanding of managing the workforce without compromising productivity. A good manager helps in achieving this goal faster.

Summing it Up!

Coaching for managers is an effective way to leverage the learning capabilities of a manager. It is a given fact that employees learn from their managers. And as a manager, you must improve and develop yourself.

The critical thing to remember is how coaching will help the organization perform better in such a vast market. This will help you in elevating employee performance in the long run. If you have any more suggestions, do let us know in the comments below.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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