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11 Most Common Interview Questions that You Need to Ask

5 min read
Last Updated on 18 May, 2021
11 Most Common Interview Questions that You Need to Ask

What does a company need to thrive and become successful? The answer is quite simple, great employees with potential. But it often becomes difficult for HR managers to recruit top talents.

There has been a significant rise of millennials joining the workforce. And there is a vast pool of candidates that have exceptional skills and experience. Candidates who understand what the goals are and how they want to achieve those goals.

Hiring a suitable candidate can be a daunting task. You will need the appropriate resources and a good team. Apart from all that, asking the right interview question is critical.

It will determine whether the candidate is the right person for the job.

Usually, 36% of HR managers look for multitasking skills; 31% look for the initiative; 21% look for creative thinking.

Recruiters should also look into how a candidate presents themselves during an interview. Dressing up well should not be the only parameter that a manager should look out for. Behavioral aspects and body posture should is also crucial.

20% of interviewers said that candidates who sat with their arms crossed during their meetings were not considered for the role.

It is crucial to recruit the top talents at your side because they can work towards your company's goal.

Common questions you need to consider asking during an interview:

Let us take a look at the top common questions that an HR manager needs to ask during an interview.

1. Tell Us About Yourself?

As a recruiter, that this question is crucial. It will break the candidate's nervousness at the start of the interview process. The question usually helps the candidate to feel more relaxed throughout the interview process.

This way, a candidate can answer your questions with much more fluency and confidence.

2. How did you come to know about this job?

Being a hiring manager, you would like to know how a potential candidate came to know about the job opportunity.

Asking this question will give you insights into your advertisement strategies. It may be an article you posted on social media or a digital advertisement.

Based on the answer you can elevate your advertising strategies. And attract top talents for the organization.

3. What do you know about the company?

Any candidate can read about an organization on their website, research the company, and gain essential knowledge. This does not mean that their drive is towards the goal that you want to achieve.

You should ask this question if the candidate's goals are in sync with the organization. It will also give you an idea if the candidate will generate new ideas for the organization.

This question will make sure if they enthusiastic enough to join the company.

4. Tell us how you will tackle a challenge or a conflict at work?

This is one of the few behavioral interview questions that you can ask. It might seem tricky, but it will help you analyze a candidate's presence of mind.

Depending on the answer, you can assess their leadership quality and problem-solving skills. Based on that you can hire a suitable candidate.

Such candidates will help boost your company culture and relationship in the workplace.

5. Tell us about the toughest feedback you have received and how did you learn from it?

Most of the candidates do not come prepared for such a feedback kind of question. A more clichéd version of this question is, "What are your weaknesses?" which is more predictable and scripted.

This is the best alternative you can ask a candidate. Moreover, with this question, you can have a greater insight into their flaws and presence of mind.

6. What makes you stand out from others?

Self-promotion is never easy for candidates, especially during interviews. And posing such questions in front of them will create a difference. The suitable candidates will keep their calm and will point out their strengths.

This lets you assess a candidate's confidence and ability to remain calm in difficult situations.

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

With this question, you can check whether they have plans or not. The answer you must seek should be honest and specific.

If the candidates have set their future career goals, then they will be confident about answering them. This shows their honesty. A trait every employer wants in a candidate before recruiting.

An honest employee will create a good working environment within the organization. Furthermore, they will promote honesty among their fellow peers.

8. If you started the job tomorrow, what would be the first thing you would do?

This question will determine whether the candidates understand the company's mission and values.

The candidates' responses will reveal whether they will help the company's bottom line. Or whether they will be able to pick up the pace to adjust to their work.

Their answer will determine how much they want to work for your company. Or how much they have read through the job description.

9. How would your former colleagues describe you?

A good candidate will realize that this is a fabulous opportunity to sell themselves. They will give solid examples of how somebody has commended them for their leadership or teamwork in the past.

What you don't want to hear as a recruiter are the personality traits of an applicant.

This is a crucial question to see whether a candidate is a good fit for your company and the culture you have.

10. Tell me about a project that you have done and how it helped to increase productivity?

You are not asking someone if they have done something. This is a trick question if the candidate can explain how they achieved a task.

Here, you would want an explanation about the thought process. And how the results were positive and prodcutive in the long run.

This will show a candidate's management skills which are very necessary at the workplace.

11. If you were me, what would you like to ask?

This is a fantastic way to end the interview. If the applicant is competent, then they should realize that this question will put them in the driver's seat. It is because it will be a good opportunity for them to showcase some of their signature strengths.

You will also get some crucial insight into whether the candidate can think out of the box. A candidates' ability to improvise according to a situation is vital. It will help the organization to deal with difficult situations in an easier way.

Right questions will land you the right candidates:

Grabbing top talents for an organization can be a big headache for an HR manager. You have to look out for a candidate's greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses while recruiting.

There are chances that you might miss out on good candidates if you do not assess them well during interviews. Job interview questions are very vital while recruitment. The questions you ask will determine which applicants are an excellent fit for your company. And how hiring them will affect the organization's bottom line.

So, before stepping out for an interview session, be specific about what you ask and how it will help recruit top talents.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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