70 Best Compliments For Coworkers

Do you compliment your coworkers for their good job? Or, when you are in a team, do you recognize your coworker’s efforts? If you do, then how often?
We invest most of our time and energy at work, yet we often treat each other like outsiders. And when it comes to verbal compliments, most of us lack that effort, even though we know that it doesn't cost us any money.
Generally, employers/ managers prefer to write good things about their coworkers only in the performance reviews. But frequent compliments for coworkers are the best way to express gratitude, appreciation, and encouragement as daily motivation.
Rather than complimenting your coworker behind closed doors or over emails, it is highly recommended that you do it over a team meeting or a public speaking session at your office.
Also, according to a CareerBuilder survey, 50 percent of employees believe turnover would go down if managers recognized their efforts more frequently. The same analysis showed that 40% of employees would not like to go above and beyond if their managers take their contributions for granted.
For more facts on employee engagement, read our blog on Employee Engagement Statistics.
Here are a few examples of compliments for coworkers that will make them happy instantly, making them put in that extra effort. And once they earn these words, they will continue to deliver excellent performances in the future.
70 Best Compliments For Co-workers That Will Encourage Them To Be Better
- Having you on the team makes a huge difference.
- I enjoy working with you.
- Thank you for setting a great example for your coworkers.
- I was blown away by your contributions this week.
- I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to the team.
- You play a crucial role in our company’s success.
- It’s honestly hard to explain how integral you are to this team.
- I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a great colleague like you.
- You’re good at cheering everybody up!
- You come up with fantastic ideas!
- Not everyone is as creative as you—I mean it!
- You have an extremely healthy perspective.
- You're a savvy problem-solver.
- We enjoyed your contribution during the presentation.
- You're a great communicator.
- I appreciate your trust.
- You've got a killer work ethic.
- Your positive attitude is infectious.
- I appreciate you taking responsibility.
- I appreciate how tech-savvy you are.
- I admire your leadership.
- You're a real team player.
- You have a mind for detail.
- You give great advice.
- It’s surprising how well you perform, even under pressure.
- You bring a lot of positivity to our work.
- Your work is unparalleled.
- We can’t let you leave us.
- You never shy away from responsibility, and we love that about you.
- It’s incredible how you’re always able to overcome any obstacle thrown your way.
- You are always so quick to show initiative.
- Your efforts at strengthening our culture are not unnoticed.
- You always find a way to get it done — and done well!
- It’s amazing how you always help new employees get up to speed.
- What’s your secret? Your output is impressive, to say the least.
- I know I’ve been busy lately, but I just had to tell you what a great colleague you are.
- The suggestions you presented saved us from the disaster. So, thanks a lot.
- Thanks for always being supportive and for guiding me the right way.
- Not for this team only, But for the company, you mean a lot.
- This month you have broken your own record of the “Quality works”.
- The company will always be obliged for your efforts.
- The last project has been tedious for us; you can take a break tomorrow.
- Contact us anytime you need us. We are always available to you.
- You are the contributor, in the company.
- Stay supportive like this; we have so much learning just because of you.
- Thank you for volunteering and taking on more work when your plate was already full. You never shirk from responsibility or hard work.
- I’m not sure how this place ever functioned without you! So glad to have you on the team!
- Thank you for your initiative on the project. Your dedication to not only get it going but see it through to the end made the whole effort an unqualified success.
- Thanks for the extra effort with that client - your work made the whole company look good. I know we would not have retained the client without you.
- You burned the midnight oil to pull that presentation together and the results speak for themselves.
- I’m always impressed by how you treat everyone with the same respect and a positive attitude. You genuinely embody the company’s spirit and our core values in everything you do and you inspire us all to do the same!
- Not only did you step in to help when your coworker was out, you did it without a fuss and things ran incredibly smoothly. I know you only made it look easy.
- As a leader you make us all feel secure, but as a person, you make us all feel understood. The combination makes you truly exceptional.
- I’ve grown so much over the past year and much is thanks to you and your efforts to get me there. I can’t wait to see where the next year will take me. Thanks for being such a great leader and a great boss.
- Thank you for turning your unique perspective into a vision that we can all support and work toward. I’m so proud to be part of this journey with you!
- You have set the bar incredibly high for any boss or supervisor I may have in the future. I always know I can bring any situation to you and you will take the time to help me find the best solution.
- Your approach to exemplary work is second to none. Much of our success is due to your dedication, skill, and hard work. I appreciate your time and all the things you do to keep everything running smoothly.
- Your ability to listen creates an environment where people feel respected and are empowered to help each other.
- Even though we may have had some differences and don’t agree on everything, I want to thank you for being an open-minded person. I am blessed to work with you.
- Fantastic work!
- Thanks for always being willing to lend a hand.
- Thank you for always speaking up in team meetings and providing a unique perspective.
- You are an invaluable member of the team.
- You are one of the most reliable employees I’ve ever had.
- You’re so great to work with.
- It’s so obvious how you pay attention to detail.
- Thank you for being there for me. Not only are you my colleague, but you are my mentor and friend. I am so grateful for all I learned from you.
- There’s no other way to say it: We’d be lost without you.
- The way you handled last week's crisis with your calm demeanor was a game-changer.
- You were instrumental in saving the company from losing one of its best clients.
You’d be amazed at the positive psychological impact these compliment for coworkers can make in the work environment.
Did you compliment your colleague today? How did it impact them? We would love to hear your stories. Leave a comment below.

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