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6 Conflict Resolution Steps That Every Leader Needs To Know

5 min read
Last Updated on 21 June, 2021
6 Conflict Resolution Steps That Every Leader Needs To Know

Conflict resolution is a complex process that needs a strategic approach. Implementing the right conflict resolution steps can be the difference between a happy workforce and a toxic one.

Your conflict resolution efforts are vital to promote unity, collaboration, and cohesion in a team. Any wrong measure might be detrimental to the team that will ultimately harm the organization. That is why it is imperative that every good leader knows how to handle conflicts within the workplace.

This article will discuss some critical and necessary conflict resolution steps you can take to resolve dispute in the workplace.

Why is Conflict Resolution Important?

Conflict in an organization is inevitable, and resolving them is quite essential to maintain workplace harmony. There are numerous benefits of having an effective conflict resolving system in the workplace, including -

The list will go on; however, we are here to discuss the actionable steps you can take while resolving any organizational dispute.

6 Essential Conflict Resolution Steps in the Workplace

When disputes in an organization are not resolved timely, it can take a drastic turn and create a hostile work environment. It affects harmony, hampers productivity, and decreases performance. However, any problem between employees can be solved with the right approach and the right measures. Here is a list of the crucial steps to resolve a conflict in the organization.

Step 1. Understanding the Problem


The first step to resolving any conflict is to understand the root of the problem. Your conflict resolution steps will require you to figure out how the dispute came into place will give you an upper hand on taking swift action so that the situation does not worsen. Ask the right questions like-

  • Where did the disagreement rise from?

  • What made you upset about the situation?

  • Where is the team lacking in terms of collaboration?

As a manager, you must listen to all of the perspectives before taking any drastic action. Gather as much information as you can as it will help you handle the situation professionally and impartially.

Step 2. Assessing the Situation


The second conflict resolution step will needs you to evaluate the situation and the position you are in as a manager before you settle any disagreement between employees. Figuring out the conflict source is essential; however, assessing the situation is another crucial aspect that you shouldn’t ignore.

A conflict may have occurred long before, but the tension between both might be detrimental in the long run.

For both sides, it can be destructive in terms of their morale and performance. Try to study the body language, tone of voice, and interaction between your team members to identify the symptoms of a conflict and control the situation in a timely fashion.

Step 3. Devising Solutions


Your efforts towards having a definite conflict resolution steps will not be fruitful if you cannot come up with a definite solution. Do keep in mind that the solutions you will resort to have to be neutral, effective, and just for both parties.

Any kind of resolution needs thoughtful thinking, good emotional intelligence, and competent leadership skills. Brainstorm the necessary decisions you will take and effectively implement according to the situation. Every dispute will require a different set of resolution skills.

Be mindful of the team’s behaviors and the emotional state of your employees before taking any action.

Step 4. One-on-one Conversations


One-on-one conversations are one the most effective ways to manage conflict in the workplace. It is an integral part of the coflict resolution steps that you will take. Furthermore, it gives you a perfect opportunity to understand each point of view and assess the situation accordingly.

To bring the best out of a one-on-one conversation, actively listen to what the involved parties have to say. Relate to each conversation that will broaden your perspective, which will help you get a better grip of how serious the conflict has become.

The conflict resolution process demands good communication between all the involved parties so that the situation can be dealt with quickly.

Step 5. Establish a Common Goal


Disagreements arise when employees cannot achieve a common ground on anything related to the workplace. Be it with a project or some shared task. It is a common occurrence in a diverse workplace where employees have a different outlook on how things should unfold. In the long term, it can create a rift between the team members.

To work together and reduce any chances of a dispute, it is pivotal that they have the same vision and goals. As a manager, take regular feedback on how things are going while regulating collaborative jobs.

If you feel that a dispute is building up, take decisive action and settle any associated problems. It will maintain team harmony, and the unity will stay intact.

Step 6. Measure the Satisfaction Levels


When an organization's employees do not have high levels of satisfaction, there is a risk that disputes will often develop. It is an essential factor that you need to keep in mind while trying to resolve any conflict.

Employees who are not satisfied at their job are stressed, lack motivation, get irritated, and refuse to collaborate. As teamwork is a critical aspect of team success, it may develop a conflict between team members.

However, to tackle such issues, you must increase your efforts to elevate employee satisfaction as a leader. Give timely recognition, reward them frequently, and publicly acknowledge their efforts. It will boost their confidence to perform better and improve their overall morale in the workplace. That reduces the chances of disputes and helps to maintain high team cohesion.

Manage Conflict Resolution in Your Workplace With Vantage Rewards Platform

Summing It Up!

Resolving conflicts between team members is an absolute necessity if you want to significantly increase engagement levels and improve team performance. Hope the article helps you and your organization. If you have any suggestions, do let us know!

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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