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Why The Habit Of Continuous Learning Is Important

6 min read
Last Updated on 20 May, 2021
Why The Habit Of Continuous Learning Is Important

Learning, as they say, is a never-ending process and is very crucial for people. And when you are an employee, learning becomes your force to move ahead.

Learning has been a concept that has evolved with time, which does not end with a degree or after you settle down with a good job. It is a lifelong process. You always find something new to learn every day. And somehow, between all the chaotic developments, we have adopted different ways and means to learn new things. Our brain has adjusted to other methods and ideologies to grasp the new business environment and changes become easy.

To keep up with the advancements of today's world, you need to keep yourself updated with new skills and knowledge. According to a survey, 54% of employees have said that it is essential for them to get training and develop new skills throughout their work-life to keep up with the changes in the workplace.

Going by the numbers, it has become clear that learning new skills will provide your employee's more future opportunities.

What is Continuous Learning?

Continuous learning is a concept where your employees are provided with the opportunity to make learning a part of their work.

It is about getting into the habit of developing skills, knowledge, and acquiring abilities that make them more proficient in their job. It is a process of constant learning throughout their job life.

The idea of continuous learning is only possible if your employees are eager to learn and grow their skillsets at an individual level. And not depend on a whole group of employees to take part. They have to be enthusiastic, keen, and open to lifelong learning.

This article aims to focus on how continuous learning has become an essential part of modern-day organizations.

How to Create a Culture of Continuous Learning

1. Be open to growth

Continuous learning is only possible when everyone in the organization is open to the idea of growth. You need to explain to everyone within the organization why growth is a good thing in professional life.

People at first might be skeptical about why continuous learning is necessary. But, it becomes your responsibility to explain to your employees the importance and the benefits it has in the long run. Make them believe in the idea of growth and how coaching will increase their intellect and their power to adapt to new things.

2. Set Learning Goals

Anything without a proper goal will lose its credibility, and people will drift away from it. To keep things interesting, set learning goals and push everyone to achieve them in their desired time frame.

Keep it transparent and make employees accountable for what they do. At the end of the learning cycle, when someone achieves it, reward them. This will keep the energy flowing in, and more employees will be eager to join the continuous learning cycle.

3. Feedback is Important

When you start a continuous learning program in an organization, always keep in mind to provide necessary feedback. A program without feedback is going to backfire, and employees will move away from it. It is always about learning from mistakes and acquiring new things in the process. When employees see that the program has its feedback system, they will see the bigger picture.

Keep the feedback constructive, simple, and informative. Communicate well with others, work with them on their problems and help them learn from them. It is one of the most robust foundations of a learning system.

4. Open book clubs

Books are one of the great sources to learn and acquire knowledge on any topic. And the best way to push a learning culture is by opening a book club—a club where employees can join in free of cost and share their ideas with others.

Help your employees to choose books of their interest so that they can start from somewhere. Once they get the knack of reading books, let them go in-depth in any subject and help them explore.

This will keep them engaged and will increase their adaptability power. Moreover, this will allow them get new information, data, and facts. Enhancing your learning program and encouraging employees to invest their time in something meaningful.

5. Arrange Trips

The corporate world is changing, and with that, every other organization is evolving. To give a taste of how it is changing, arrange field trips to your client's office and help your employees understand how other companies work.

Once your employees get exposure and practical experience of the natural world, they are more likely to implement it in their work.

It becomes a great learning experience for everyone, which elevates their work style as it adds an extra layer of knowledge, making them more efficient and productive.

5 Benefits of Continuous Learning:

1. Helps Focus on Goals:

Brainstorming sessions to plan out future goals is vital. But what is essential is to figure out how these future goals will impact everyone within the organization and how developments will influence your objectives and targets.

Continuous learning helps you keep track of all the minor and significant developmental changes with time. Thus, letting you maintain that constant focus on the goals that you have set for your organization.

2. Retaining Becomes Easy:

Every employer wants to avoid a situation where their prized employees decide to leave the organization. It may be due to a lack of compensation or poor relationship at work. But most of your employees leave due to a lack of career growth.

But with good learning and training program, they will be able to fulfill their potential. This will make them feel more inclined towards the organization. Resulting in loyalty from the employees, and retaining becomes easy.

3. Skill Improvement For Employees:

Replacing an employee has always been a hectic venture for companies. It becomes a tedious job and a costly one too. Research has shown that 40% of employees who don't receive the necessary job training will leave their positions within the first year—resulting in disruption of work within an organization. But this also opens up opportunities for your current employees.

When continuous learning exists, it helps your employees to adapt to new skill sets. It also increases the ability of your current workforce to boost their profile in different fields with some extra training. Providing opportunities to take up the tasks of a leaving employee.

Moreover, today's workplaces are technologically advanced, which needs additional skills, and acquiring those skills is only possible with continuous learning and keeping yourself updated in a loop.

4. Increase in Engagement:

Employers want their employees to stay engaged in their jobs and become proficient in what they do. But at times, it may become too monotonous for every employee to stick to one position all the time. It is because there is no real opportunity for them to learn something new.

But when there is a culture of continuous learning in an organization, engagement and productivity is the result you get.

Training and developmental sessions not only focuses on building strengths but also helps in acquiring knowledge of this ever-changing world. It is one of the best ways to provide personal and professional development to build engagement.

5. Ideas that Spark:

With the technological changes happening at a constant rate, it has become necessary for an organization to keep up with it. And to maintain pace, learning has become a priority. Education gives endless opportunities to approach these changes and have a fluidity of work going on in the workplace. It also offers different perspectives on the things that you already know.

The more knowledge you gather about different fields, the better it becomes to understand the changes all around. Continuous learning also allows you to develop new ideas and innovative solutions to the modern-day problems and conflicts you face in the workplace.

Let’s Conclude to Continue

To be able to prepare yourself well for the coming future continuous learning is vital. But continuous learning cannot be instilled in just a day. It takes time for everyone in an organization to get used to it. Time to adjust to a new environment, time to study, time to upgrade and time to open up to endless possibilities. With time the learning process also becomes a habit that helps you to explore and grasp the knowledge about all the things that change continuously.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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