Corporate Training post-Covid-19

The term 'Corporate Training' itself gives you an idea of what it refers to. Yes, it is the training and development programs that organizations conduct or provide to their employees to improve their skillsets for the smooth functioning of the business processes. Corporate training is a necessity among organizations worldwide. Managers are now increasing their attention in reskilling and upskilling their employees for sustainability and productivity.
Corporate training can comprise videos, collaborative tools, certified courses, and other blended learning opportunities. This will allow your workforce to learn and implement the required skills quickly.
There are companies that you can collaborate with for training and developing your employees' skills. In larger organizations, there are in-house training and development teams to care for this need. In contrast, in smaller organizations, Human Resource takes the lead.
It is crucial to provide the employees with the right corporate training for sustainability and growth. Because it directly affects its bottom line.
With new trends surfacing almost every year, corporate training becomes part and parcel for any organization.
As a result, the training and development space has seen many opportunities and challenges and evolved with time. But the sudden outbreak of covid-19 has shifted the corporate training scene worldwide.
For corporate training, human interaction is vital. However, people are working from home and maintaining strict social distancing after the pandemic. And this has brought new challenges for both the training professionals and the learners.
Let's understand how corporate training has shifted after the pandemic
Training in the Era of Social Distancing
Social distancing and telework have been the new normal in many parts of the world, impacting how organizations operate from day to day. Time efficiency has always been a top concern for professionals, and e-learning has always been a boon to boost learning efficiency.
But the programs were designed to provide the employees without hampering the workflow in the office environment. Due to social distancing, the work culture has taken a new shift. The professional and personal lives of the employees are blurred.
This left the professionals scrambled and to find an immediate response to it. And to redesign and adapt their learning programs that suit the current work from home culture.
Embracing Virtual Training
Virtual training for remote workers has introduced new collaboration and communication tools that were not common before the pandemic. As a result, organizations are adapting to the latest tools to train their employees. But is it that simple?
Sari Wilde, the managing vice president of Gartner's HR practice, has a progressive perspective. She explains, "To make it work, you may need to reconstitute the content, coordinator, delivery approach, and maybe even adjust the standards for learning goals." However, she also says that the current L&D approach should not be taken as a temporary fix but a permanent way of delivering training.
We do not know the next significant event in the evolution of the training industry is the post-pandemic era. Therefore, embracing the new approaches and embracing the new virtual training looks like the best bet.
Related: 17 Must-Have Tools for Remote Workers
New Learning Strategies
Challenging times always give us new ideas and strategies to overcome dreadful situations. The same has been seen in the L&D industry. They are more focused on creating programs and techniques in creating a safe work environment and a great learning space for all.
They are adopting new strategies to provide a seamless and engaging learning experience to the learners. And since the learnings are no more offered in-person, they are redesigning its approach to keep the virtual learners in mind.
It is strategized, keeping the attention span of the learners in mind. The session length is shortened or spread out to absorb and retain the training in a virtual setting.
Materials are provided through easy-to-use platforms, keeping the objectives clear, compelling, and engaging. However, since interactivity in a virtual setting is difficult, professionals strategize cleverly to boost participation.
Training on Health and Wellness
Encouraging good health and wellness of the employees has always been prioritized in paper and also discussed. But not much is done when it comes to implementing programs that benefit them.
It may sound harsh, but it is true. Many organizations take it as a trend without giving much thought. But employees' physical and mental health is vital. Covid-19 has given us all that reality check.
Organizations are now implementing wellness programs and training to help employees deal with their mental state. Webinars, health challenges, or mindfulness meetings are now a daily routine for all the world's professionals.
It has become the new norm to educate and help employees who are coping with mental health issues due to the sudden outbreak and change in the work culture.
The pandemic has shifted the approaches to corporate training. And L&D professionals have shown a commendable response towards it. However, it has also made us introspect about our needs and how a sudden shift can make us vulnerable. We do not know what changes future events would bring. But all we know is that we are ready to accept change and evolve with it together.

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