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Effective Feedback: Key Elements to Keep in Mind

4 min read
Last Updated on 20 May, 2021
Effective Feedback: Key Elements to Keep in Mind

Delivering effective feedback is a task that has a positive outcome if done right.

It requires the right skills, practice, the right moment, and execution to be effective. With proper implementation of feedback, it becomes pretty easy for an organization to boost employee morale, increase engagement, and improve the bottom line.

Providing effective feedback has become crucial to bring the best out of the employees. However, managers find it quite challenging to provide feedback in the best possible way.

What is effective feedback?

Feedback is of different types and a crucial part of every organization. For effective feedback, deliver it in such a way so that an employee can collect the information that you want to convey. And providing the right set of opinions will help them enhance their performance.

Effective feedback is not about criticism. It is about fostering employees with the correct assessment based on their performance. This will help them in their present scenario and prepare them well in the long run.

8 Succesful ways to Provide Effective Feedback

1. Feedback in Time

One of the most critical factors while giving effective feedback is timing. The feedback for a particular task will become meaningless if it is not shown in due time. If the feedback is not appropriate, then that feedback is most likely to be ineffective.

So, feedback must be done within a time frame so that it has value and has a purpose. Do keep in mind that it should be actionable to work on it and make the best use of the provided feedback.

2. The Deliverance of the feedback

Feedback is only valid when it is meaningful to your employees. It should inspire your employees for their future tasks and not degrade their morale. Once you provide feedback with an important message and good tone, it becomes meaningful to them.

Not only does it encourage them to become better in their job, but they are more invested in the betterment of the organization.

3. Keep it descriptive

The feedback that contains minimal information can be confusing to your employees. Imagine getting feedback from your manager, but you are confused about what the subject matter was. To minimize such confusion, you must describe what the feedback is for and how it will affect them.

Describing your feedback helps pinpoint the areas where they have to improve and have a better understanding of what they need to do. This boosts their morale and enhances the engagement factor.

4. Focus on Performance

The main focus of providing feedback is enhancing the performance of your employees. You should be able to provide actionable feedback to improve the quality of work. And not only that, it must have a positive reflection on their ability to achieve a task.

Once you can build a feedback system that focuses on employees' performance, they become more driven towards their goals and objectives—making the feedback system effective and enhancing productivity.

Don't miss our podcast on: How Can Performance Feedback Help Employees

5. Constructive Feedback

For the feedback to be effective, you must convey it so that your employees take it on a positive note. One sure-fire way to achieve it is by providing meaningful feedback.

While giving constructive feedback, keep in mind to have a-

  • Respectful tone

  • Understand their concerns

  • State what you have observed.

Embrace what they do but, at the same time, try to give them the necessary coaching they need. This will help you create a positive mindset in your employees. And you will gain trust and loyalty from them in return.

6. Keep it Honest

Feedback is only effective when it is honest and sincere. While providing feedback, always keep in mind that you give valid reasons. Never try to demean your employees in that process and demoralize them. Furthermore, honest feedback does not mean that you resort to opposing opinions.

Try to be more tangible with your assessment and provide a positive and sincere observation of what you think about their work.

7. Prepare yourself

Feedback is necessary, but preparing effective feedback is one of the essential parts of it. Think of a scenario where you provided feedback, but you were not prepared with the right choice of words. No matter how much constructive feedback you wanted to offer, it somehow came out to be a disastrous one. We do not want that.

To avoid such situations, always prepare yourself with the right words, why you provide the feedback, and the outcomes you want from it. It is always better to be on the safe side, rather being ending up on the wrong side of an employee. Preparing yourself will give you credibility and confidence to approach. In return, your employees will understand the message you want to convey and become more invested in their work.

8. Goal-Oriented

We do not want our employees to get lost during the process of ongoing feedback. It is always a good thing to let your employees know why the feedback program is taking place.

Once your employees have a sound idea about progressing towards their targeted goal, they will get a clearer picture. Providing a more precise picture means your employees will be able to improve them in the long run. This will help them invest more time in their work, increasing their productivity and engagement.

Summing it Up

While it is easier said than done, feedback requires a lot of planning and execution. Remember that effective feedback is a continuous and consistent process. Along with the organization's development, it should also be about the professional growth of your employees.

Furthermore, indulge in receiving feedback because it helps your organization improve in certain areas and makes the workplace environment more employee-centric.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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