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5 Steps to Effective Employee Coaching

3 min read
Last Updated on 21 May, 2021
5 Steps to Effective Employee Coaching

Building a self-motivated and productive workforce might seem like an overwhelming task. And with the evolving corporate world, it has become a basic necessity.

While we emphasize our focus on productivity, we forget about employee development. Employee coaching programs come into play to fulfill such requirements. It allows employees to build their skills and growth.

These programs are crucial for your employees because it helps to bring the best in them. When your employees perform at their peak, it improves performance. Thus, improving the bottom line of the organization.

Before establishing a coaching program, you need to have a brief understanding of what employee coaching is.

What is Employee Coaching?

Employee coaching can be defined as helping or guiding someone to achieve their goals and objectives without hampering their morale. It focuses on-

  • Understanding and identifying the needs

  • Targeting realistic goals

  • Planning better performance in the long run

  • Strategic steps to achieve success.

Employee coaching programs help employees develop their skills to become more proficient in their job. It is a collaborative practice between a manager and an employee.

Now that you have a clear understanding of employee coaching, let us look at how you can take the necessary steps to build an effective program.

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Steps to create an effective employee coaching program

1. Goal Setting

Coaching starts with setting realistic expectations and goals for your employees that fit best for them. While setting goals, do keep in mind that it should be two-fold. Either you are coaching them for a new process or helping them out to improve themselves.

Whatever be the reason, focus on developing your employees and the organization simultaneously.

Try to view the bigger picture and how coaching will help you and your employees in this fast-paced world. Once you get a better understanding of the things involved, coaching becomes easy and manageable.

2. Figuring out a Weakness

Weaknesses provide us the perfect opportunity to redefine ourselves with the flaws we have. Building an effective employee coaching program will require you to highlight an employees’ liability. Doing this will help them upskill better and achieve more.

Furthermore, training will assess them on how they can handle situations that display their weaknesses. This will provide them with a perfect scenario on how they can adapt and counter it and further learn from it. Thus, increasing their working capabilities and knowledge about the subject matter.

3. Correct Training

To become good at their jobs and perform well, you need to provide them the role that suits them the best. This can create a problem as sorting them out according to their competencies can become difficult. It is because there might be fewer job openings at your organization.

However, one can avoid such situations with effective coaching and training. It easier for a manager to choose a role that suits them the best. Furthermore, training employees to learn new skills will help them adapt sooner to the changes. This will boost their performance and make them more flexible to adjust to any role.

4. Staying on top of the process

The next step is quite crucial because it all comes down to how you can keep track of the progress and improvement of your employees. Circle back and have a coaching conversation to help them if they have any issues or concerns regarding their development.

However, do not be pushy with them and overburden them. Give them their time, provide autonomy, encourage them, and instruct them properly. A good coach will never cross the line of micromanaging but instead will guide them through the whole process with a positive attitude.

5. Provide Feedback

Feedbacks have always provided to be an essential part of an organization. It is a two-way process that needs the active participation of both the employee and the employer.

As a coach, you need to provide constructive feedback and make sure not to demoralize them.

Another critical thing to keep in mind while providing feedback is that you need to be honest about their development. Tell them what was not right, point out the mistakes, and make them understand with good examples so that they can quickly grasp them. Providing positive feedback while encouraging them will boost their morale and motivation to do better.

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Summing it Up

Organizations that have built reliable and effective coaching programs enjoy higher levels of employee satisfaction and employee engagement. This, in return, increases the retention rate and reduces turnover. Not only that, but it also fosters strong relationships between employees and managers with proper communication and feedback channels.

It might look like an extensive task at hand, but it is always better to become the manager and coach your employees want. Creating a workplace that employees would love to work for with dedication.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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