Employee Feedback Examples To Redirect Employees And Boost Performance
Before heading to the examples of employee feedback, let us understand how effective employee feedback is and its significant role in the business.
Employee retention and employee engagement have become a top priority in the workplace today. Focus is now more on employee wellbeing and how to give the employees good work experience for them to be loyal and satisfied with their jobs.
So, how can the needs of the employees be taken care of? One of the effective ways is Employee Feedback.
But does the culture of feedback help the company in the long run?
A lot has already been said and written on employee feedback. Feedback is valuable information that is used to make significant decisions. Top performing companies are leading companies because they always find ways to improve their performance. Continuous improvement is not only a practical term for these companies. This is focused on input from the whole business consumers, customers, personnel, vendors, suppliers, and stakeholders. Top performers not only accept feedback but also request feedback deliberately.
Employee feedback not only benefits company growth and performance but, at the same time, redirects employees and also boost their motivation.
Ask any millennial 'How important it is for them to get feedback at their jobs?'
Most of them will happily agree that it is one of the most significant attributes of any healthy workplace. There is this 'psychological connection' why Millenials prefer continuous feedback for their work. Millennials now continuously seek gratification for whatever they put their efforts into, either for their social media post or a project they have been ambitious about. Digitalization has a significant impact here. Employees now don’t like to wait for months or a year to get their formal reviews. This generation actively seeks feedback or spot-on recognition. For them, it’s imperative for their growth and understanding of a job.
As you can see, employee feedback is vital for both the company and its employees.
Your employees want feedback. We all want it, even when the input is not very pleasant. But often, managers or leaders fail to construct or give feedback in an effective way. The problem lies in the choice of words, lack of empathy, or simply not being mindful of providing feedback.
So, let us understand how to give effective feedback that helps you build a culture of feedback that redirects your employees and improves their performance.
The Examples To Redirect
Giving feedback is more of a difficult task when it’s not all sunshine. Managers or leaders must master the art of providing feedback when it comes to redirecting employees. To point out the problems in a way that helps employees to understand the silver lining behind it is a challenging task them it seems. Many fail while doing it, but the good news is that they can learn it over time.
1. Keep your mind open
Keep your mind open and let your team members explain their side of the story. Employees often recognize their weaknesses and request help. You may even know that the signs of a significant underlying problem affecting other team members are one of the particular problems.
For example, an employee does not participate with the team and does not keep good communication, which often creates confusion and problems finishing a group task.
In such a case, you might like to make him/her understand the importance of openness and communication. And how that can overall boost the performance of the team. And if necessary, you can help additionally in building his/her communication skills.
2. Don't get away from the problem
Be clear and tell the employee precisely what the problems are. Swimming underneath the bag is an easy way to avoid uncomfortable chat. However, retaining negative feedback has its disadvantages since it takes away information that can be improved. Try to be kind but frank by speaking in a tactful yet straightforward way. You can't afford to sugarcoat just as you don't want to be overly harsh.
For example, You might have a star performer who has a high absenteeism rate. Situations like these are often avoided by the managers, given his/her performance. But the underlying problem here is that it can hamper the overall discipline and morale of the other employees.
The best way to tackle such issues is to be frank with the employee on his/her absenteeism. You might have one-on-one communication with the employee and let him realize the consequences and how it can affect the morale of the other employees.
3. Choose your words carefully
Some people know when they have made a significant mistake. Choose your words carefully and avoid any demoralizing remarks that challenge the intellect of the employee. You are more likely than embarrassing or punishing the employee for getting a positive reaction. In such a situation, you could politely ask the employee to discuss what went wrong and how problems can be avoided in the future.
By doing this, you are empowering the employee and making him mindful in the future.
4. Appreciate
You must appreciate and acknowledge your employees for work done well. Thanking them or giving them a spot on recognition is ideal for boosting morale standards and reinforcing positive behavior.
In this way, employees will be aware of future actions to be replicated. Moreover, they're going to know you appreciate the effort. Learning how to advise and recognize is an essential aspect of employee feedback.
For example, tell your star performers directly how much you appreciate their effort and how grateful you are to have them. When you recognize employees wholeheartedly, you boost their confidence and loyalty.
5. Have objectives
Give feedbacks with objectives and not with your subjective opinions.
For example, your operational team failed in helping out a customer query or took a long time to address the issue. In such a situation, it is advisable not to call them out for their lack of professionalism but understand the situation objectively and suggest ideas to tackle such issues in the future.
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