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6 Techniques To Boost Employee Performance Evaluation

6 min read
Last Updated on 07 July, 2021
6 Techniques To Boost Employee Performance Evaluation

Employee performance evaluation is an integral part of the ever-changing corporate world.

And with the current pandemic, assessing the performance of the workforce has become an essential task.

But why now?

The reason is the implementation of work from home policies. As a business leader, you might have found constraints while working from home. Since 2020, the drop in productivity has been a significant business concern.

Employees have been adapting to a new work environment, facing unforeseen situations, and dealing with mental health issues. This has led to a negative impact on the overall work performance.

This is clearly a situation that no leader could have predicted or prepared for. Thus, the need for real-time performance evaluation and management has grown dramatically.

In this article, we will be looking at few techniques that will elevate your efforts to evaluate your employees’ performance.

What is Employee Performance Evaluation?

An employee performance evaluation is a process that managers use to measure the performance of their employees. It is done annually to keep track of the overall development and upskilling of individuals.

As a leader, you can gather accurate information with performance evaluation. Doing so will help you in-


Remember that this process can get complex and time-consuming at times. However, the purpose of this is to enable and prepare the employees for a better future.

The Importance of Employee Performance Evaluation

Before facilitating a good performance evaluation system, you must know the crucial role it plays. Here are a few points highlighting the importance of performance evaluation-

  • It highlights your employees’ strengths and shortcomings

  • Helps to set clear expectations from employees

  • Fosters a culture of feedback and accountability

  • Helps in the planning of employee growth and future

  • Aligning employee goals with organizational vision

These are a few of the crucial benefits one can accomplish with the help of the program. In fact, only 8% of companies believe their performance management process is highly effective in driving business value, while 58% say it’s not an effective use of time.

Thus, the main question is how to improve the program with the changing dynamics.

If you are searching for that answer, then the next section is all about that. Let us dive in.

6 Techniques that will Improve your Employee Performance Evaluation

1. Set the Necessary Standards


Evaluating your employees’ performance will need a starting point. And to do that, you need to set some work standards for them.

Setting up standards is crucial as you do not want the employees to miss out on their true potential. They need to meet the standards so that they can become better with time. These standards should relate to performance like-

  • What goals they have to accomplish?

  • What is the amount of time?

  • What are the maximum amount of resources?

  • What is the baseline of minimum goal completion? etc

Setting down baselines for good work standards will help you in-


It is vital that you align the standards with the organizational vision and goals. Doing so will help you accomplish success in the long term.

2. Be Clear about Goals and Responsibilities


Before we talk about having clear goals and responsibilities, you need to understand that it is different from setting standards. Every employee has to follow a certain set of standards.

However, goals might vary depending on an individual’s capabilities.

However, the question remains. How can setting goals help in performance analysis?

Well, you can only evaluate your employees when they have a clear understanding of their goals and responsibilities. They need to get a clear picture of what you expect from them and if their skills fit their roles.

For a good evaluation system, your goal settings should -


Ledaership allows you to place every individual in their desired position. It will help in their career development and personal growth. Failing to do so will result in a drop in productivity and performance.

3. Provide Constructive Feedback and Criticism


Employees always seek opportunities that will help them grow and achieve their personal and professional goals.

To successfully help them in doing that, you need to provide them with frequent and meaningful feedback. The feedback should focus on-


Meaningful performance feedback can be an action plan for your people. Not only will they perform better, but they also gain knowledge and accountability. It can be crucial to their personal and career growth.

To enhance their competence levels, your feedback should be constructive. It should be sympathetic and relatable, as this will boost their morale at work.

Read more: 5 Useful Tips On How To Give Constructive Criticism

4. Understand the importance of Surveys


Conducting timely surveys is an essential part of any organization. It gives you a whole new understanding of what the workforce needs.

And yes, you guessed it right. It also forms an essential part of performance evaluation.

To conduct surveys during the review phase, you must first determine which areas need to be targeted. Include relevant questions in the surveys so that it generates positive responses. Do not go off-topic as it weakens the purpose of the survey.

A few of the questions that the survey can include are-


The questions can vary depending on what you want to achieve. Just remember to be precise and direct.

A good survey gives you a clear insight into the difficulties and roadblocks that an employee has to face. Acknowledge the shortcomings and start the problem-solving process as soon as possible. It will help you to maintain the productivity of your employees and boost morale in the long run.

Recommended Resource: Employee Pulse Surveys: The Ultimate Guide

5. Get in touch with the employees (One-on-one conversation)


Having a positive one-on-one talk with your employees every now and again is a good thing. It allows you to connect with them in person and understand their perspective of the company.

And it is not only about having a conversation. You need to actively listen to what they have to say and empathize with them.

As a good leader, your duty is to-


Employees like to feel valued by the organization. Let them know about it during the one-on-one session. During the time of evaluation, show them your appreciation and how integral they are for the workplace. It will send a clear message that the company focuses on providing the employees with a good work environment.

6. Prepare yourself and be honest with your employees


Before you take the initial steps of starting your evaluation process, you need to prepare yourself. Without preparation, your main goal of performance evaluation will nullify.

Start by focusing on the result you want to achieve with the evaluation. After this, the rest will follow, depending on how you complete the process.

To give you a headstart, here are some pointers you can keep in mind-


Along with preparing yourself, you also need to be honest with your employees. Focus on the work ethics of your employees and their achievements for the company.

Be transparent regarding their progress and make them aware of how the process will take place. Provide them with the necessary information and analytics to figure out their weak spots. This will encourage them to do better and increase their efficiency in the long run.

Summing it Up!

The process of employee performance evaluation is a critical part of performance management. You need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your employees to improve employee engagement. In the long run, employee performance reviews or evaluations will play a vital role in accomplishing greater success. If you have any more suggestions, do let us know in the comments below.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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