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5 Best Tricks To Enhance Employee Tenure In Remote Working

5 min read
Last Updated on 05 June, 2021
5 Best Tricks To Enhance Employee Tenure In Remote Working

Employing workers is just the beginning of building a strong labor force. Next, you have to retain them. Employees around the world crave independence and flexibility. The most popular form of flexibility provided by the companies is the opportunity to function remotely.

It's no secret that hiring remote employees provides many advantages. Such benefits include exposure to a global pool of talent, improved productivity, and reduced stress on the employees. But despite all the advantages of remote working, employees feel isolated and disengaged.

A study by Future Workplace and Virgin Pulse said that remote workers are much less likely to stay at their company long-term. Only 5% of the remote workers always or very often see themselves working at their company for their entire career. The report was put forward after interviewing over 2000 employees and managers globally.

That's where the concept of employee tenure in remote working comes in.

Employee tenure is the length of time an employee works for an employer. Longer employee tenure is a desirable quality. Most companies prefer lengthy employee tenure because the collective knowledge and expertise in the organization remain high. However, it also benefits their clients and the employees themselves.

In the case of remote working, its importance remains the same. However, employers need to take extraordinary measures to enhance employee tenure in a remote job.

Here are 5 Tactics To Enhance Employee Tenure In Remote Working

1. Start with a warm, onboarding experience

With onboarding begins the formation of loyal remote employees. The more comfortable they initially feel like part of the team, the more likely they are to stick with the company. Here are several ways to make sure your onboarding phase is running smoothly.

  • Offer them a customized welcome: When your employees are staying near you, invite them to the workplace, show them around, introduce them to the employees and let them know how they can get in touch. If you employ a remote worker from a distant location, then set up a call to Skype or Google Hangout with them and follow the same procedure. In short, make them an integral part of the organization from day one. It will make them feel special.

  • Introduce them to their teammates: Every remote worker needs teamwork. Though they work remotely, they cannot work independently on their projects. To ensure that your remote workers are well focused, take the opportunity to introduce them to those they work on projects with. It involves linking them up with the right email, chat, telepresence tools, and more.

  • Offer them a piece of background knowledge: Digital workers rarely get into the corporate office, if ever, but that doesn't mean they have to skip out on the culture of the company. Your company website plays a significant role in letting the new-comers know the policies, procedures, and culture.

  • Build a checklist for new hires: Arrival of a unique role in a new company is challenging, mainly when you are working remotely, but the more prepared you are, the easier it is for everyone. The best thing you can do for yourself, and your new employee is to prepare a checklist that will include all paper works, and other related details you need to give to your new hires.

  • Have a plan in place: Make a 30-60-90 day plan before setting them off to work on their first project. It will include the tasks on which they are going to work, the goals they need to fulfill, and checks to ensure that everyone is still on the same page.

  • Don't make them wait for long for their first project: One you hire a remote worker, provide them a project to work on immediately. It will help them adapt faster than anything else inside your business. Make sure to check in regularly with them to address any concerns and provide support when needed.

2. Manage Payroll Effectively

When you are recruiting remote workers, it's crucial to learn about compensation, payroll, and labor laws for their locations — whether locally, stately, or outside. Regardless of the amount, they expect to be paid reliably and on time. If you want your remote workers to stay for an extended period, here are a few tips about how you can stay on top of payroll.

  • Set clear standards: While hiring a remote worker, set reasonable measures as to how much they will be paid. Let them know whether they will be paid weekly, monthly on a contract/project basis. It will keep expectations clear.

  • Give generous starting salaries, and progressive pay raises: Maintaining a long, successful relationship with your remote workers can be challenging. You need to give them opportunities to remain loyal to your company's goals. They deserve equal compensation and benefits, as well as regular recognition.

  • Make use of a contract: Signing a contract as part of their hiring process that outlines all the details of their work and salary can be beneficial. Then, when payday rolls around, there'll be no questions.

  • Let technology help you: There are several quick payroll software for remote workers. Rather than doing it all manually, invest in one of those, and make the payroll system transparent and more manageable.

3. Make Communication Easier

If interacting with your remote employees isn't easy, you can rest assured that your partnership will end almost as soon as it begins. Because of better apps these days, at many companies, communication with remote workers has become more comfortable. But if your organization usually does not conduct meetings with remote workers, you should start doing some calls or video conferencing. Platforms like Skype, Zoom, and Google Hangouts are easy to connect and entirely free for all to use.

Assure that their technology is up-to-date enough to allow them to participate entirely in online meetings. If they are continually dropping out due to an outdated computer or telephone with a faulty microphone or because they have poor home internet, then see if you can get them the equipment they need, just temporarily.

4. Make Sure You Involve Remote Workers In Business And Social Events

If you hold a virtual get together, a gaming session or watch party, or some other virtual gathering, make sure to invite your remote employees. It makes them feel involved and wanted in their workplace, which can go a long way towards keeping a company going.

5. Keep Them Intrinsically Motivated

The most significant appeal of remote working is the autonomy involved, which works as intrinsic motivation. When you do not micromanage your remote workers, they are free to flourish, which comes with promising benefits. It includes happiness, less stress, improved engagement, and efficiency. All of these, when put together, leads to a longer employer tenure with the current employer.

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest in research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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