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Best Hiring Strategies to Recruit Top Talents

5 min read
Last Updated on 21 May, 2021
Best Hiring Strategies to Recruit Top Talents

The current job market scene has a vast majority of talented people that will help your company grow. And grabbing top-notch talents for your organization will always be a process that will need precision. It's about making the right choice and selecting the right candidate for the job you have to offer.

But who is making up the global workforce scene? The Millennials. By 2025, the millennials will make up to 75% of the workforce. These millennials are tech-savvy, innovative, self-aware, and confident.

To attract potential candidates, successful recruiters use recruitment strategies. And these strategies help the recruiters to 'sell' their company in the most efficient ways.

In this article, I will be talking about a few hiring strategies that help companies in recruiting.

Recommended Resource: A Complete Guide On Talent Management.

Strategies to Attract Top Talent:

Apart from being a good recruiter, you can always opt for strategies to make your work easy. Here are a few recruitment strategies that you can adapt:

1. Campus/University Recruiting:

Campus recruiting is one of the best ways to make your company visible amongst potential candidates. Colleges are full of dynamic and young talents who show enthusiasm and commitment towards their work. Tie up with universities and colleges and become a part of their placement cells.

To become more famous among the students, get featured in their campus newspaper if they have any. Conducting workshops to showcase what your company is about and what career opportunities you can give. Also, your company can sponsor cultural events and festivals.

2. Using Mobile Platforms:

With the advancement in technology, potential candidates always opt for easier ways to apply for jobs. Glassdoor survey has revealed that nine in ten (89 %) job seekers use a mobile device during their job search.

To enhance the recruitment strategies, you can opt for mobile-based platforms and are popular among millennials. Here, candidates can fill up forms for a job application and upload a resume that will help them showcase their skills.

Through mobile platforms, it becomes convenient for the applicants to apply, and the recruiters can accept job offers through it at the same time as well. Doing so will show that you are well ahead in the game amongst your competitors.

3. Social Media Recruiting:

In the past years, you might have seen the rise of social media. It has also gained popularity among everyone within a short period. This has created a great opportunity and awareness for companies as well to hire talents.

You will find almost everyone using social media, especially the millennials. And to recruit top talents, you have to be socially active on various platforms. You can assign a HR team who will be actively searching for top talents and encourage them to apply for your company.

To attract candidates, build a reputation and connection in social media, and promote your company as much as it requires.

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social platforms that corporates use for hiring. Here you will be able to find candidates with polished profiles with all of their skills mentioned. And according to the job you can approach them and hire for your company.

4. Online Competitions:

Digital media has become one of the important sources for hiring. And through this, you can post advertisements and organize online skill tests for potential candidates. Online tests help them to show their skill set and the potential they have in them.

These online tests will help a recruiter select the right candidates according to the required set parameters for the job. Doing this helps the candidates bring the best out of them before they are selected for an interview.

This also helps the candidates to know the company and recognize the brands you have to offer.

5. Employee Referral Program:

Employee referral is another way to recruit top talents with potential and enthusiasm. Setting up an employee referral program is also a way to keep your employees happy. You can provide perks to your employees with every successful referral that they make.

Also, if you keep your employees happy with this program, there will be lower turnover rates. This is because the employees will have another target to achieve rather than their work.

Using your employees as brand ambassadors for the company helps to cut down marketing budgets. Also, it helps to recruit the best talents at their exposure.

6. Make the Hiring Process Faster:

Often companies make the mistake of taking a long time to provide job letters to candidates. Doing this can lead to the loss of potential candidates, and your competitors grab those candidates. And by the time you respond, either the person chose hanother job or has lost interest in your company.

Value the time of your applicants as you value yours. Contact the candidates instantly whom you feel are right and offer them the job. Speed up your recruiting process to not lose out on candidates who can build your company brand.

7. Conducting a Good Interview Process:

It is important to remember that, the applicants should not feel any stress or have low motivation during an interview. Instead of interviewing with the same age-old process, try to improvise it.

The character which you portray during an interview will reflect company culture. Be sure to be friendly and gamify the process a bit.

Including a session of fun, questions can help you create that attraction towards the targeted candidate. They will get this sense of ease and will feel that they will fit right into the company culture. Thus, leading them to choose your company over your competitors.

8. Be Flexible:

Employees will often look for companies where their work doesn't affect their personal life. Companies provide so much to their employees but ignore the fact that employees have their own life. Employees desire free leisure time to forget about the office work and concentrate on their lives.

Be certain to provide the employees the work-life balance they need. You can give them options to work from home or weekly offs. Maybe organize a weekly sports event which can act as stress busters. In short, it is sometimes a good idea to opt out of orthodox ways that a company works.

9. Offering Extra Benefits and Offers:

To attract talents for your company, you need to lure them. And to do that you need to provide them with benefits and offers which will be good for them and attractive at the same time. Including such schemes will make the hiring process better and help you grab on potential candidates.

You can provide them with gifts on their first day at the office or maybe coupons so that they can have a great lunch with their family or friends. Doing so will make them more committed to your company, and they will work with more productivity.

Summing it up:

The recruiting process should be in a way that attracts top talents to your company. Securing top talents means securing your company's future. Flaunt your company in such a way that the candidates see it as an opportunity that they cannot miss. Remember, you are trying to sell your brand among candidates with potential.

Be smart and tactful while implementing the right recruiting strategies.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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