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10 Home Office Ideas to drive your Motivation to Work

8 min read
Last Updated on 05 June, 2021
10 Home Office Ideas to drive your Motivation to Work

That one room in the house that screams “Be productive,” which we like to call our home office, is a significant space yet a neglected one. Implementation of few home office ideas can make the space more enjoyable and productive.

I mean, it is just there, existing in every house - not frequently used. However, with the work from the home culture being at its peak at the moment, a home office is never wanted more.

That being the case, we bring you some home office ideas to keep you high on motivation.

Work from home or not, a home office proves to be useful for some personal time- reading, writing, or crafting, for that matter, and can act as a no-disturbance zone.

Having it all to yourself, a home office should be somewhere that drives you to be creative.

But even when you have a home office, you tend to work more from your couch rather than office.

To solve this, we present some of the right home office ideas you can apply to your work life, which, in turn can help you to buckle down and work.

Here are 10 home office ideas you can thank us later for,

1. As Elegant As It Gets

Your workspace could be a small room at the corner of your place, but that is not an issue.

What matters is the kind of vibes one gets from it.

You do not want to be working at a place you cannot relate yourself to.

A gloomy home office is the last thing you want, which is why you must have an office reflecting your personality.

Just design it according to your preference.

home office ideas elegant setup 1

You want a small office desk with a chandelier on the ceiling- Go get it.

But, for one, you should keep the essential items on the corner of your desk for them to be within your reach.

Your workspace might look weird to others, but everything is acceptable as long as you are content with it.

Make sure you get everything you require to work, in that little room of yours.

One might also consider keeping a couch at one corner to crash there during the shortest breaks for it won’t make sense to go out on walks for a minute or two.

Arrange it properly to get the comfort and keep it simple as one of those Scandinavian homes.

Your home office should look aligned to your taste and graceful at the same time.

2. Being Crafty-licious

While working, at times, your eyes may fixate on the empty wall and you might just realize that your office looks dull.

But, what happens when there is something on the wall instead of it being vacant?

Although, keeping it direct is the key to the smooth functioning of work, offices decorated with little do-it-yourself crafts, can be charming.

home office ideas get crafty 1

The interior design may not matter much, but getting artistic with vibrant art can motivate and keep you cheery.

Also, there are always ample rooms to improvise- spray painting the walls, hanging images that can speak to you or even making handmade articles.

All of these will give an attractive look to the room.

So, you can either get beautiful pictures framed, frame your paintings or simply come up with creative DIY ideas and add those to your home office decor.

3. Get into the Green Scene

Colors are a part of our everyday lives- while some can keep you calm, others trigger stress. As they say, green is one effective color as it is perfect for your health.

It helps with the vision and relaxes the mind and body as it’s refreshing.

plants-at-home office work-space
Source: Twitter

Surrounding yourself with the color green turns out to be very soothing due to which the offices usually incorporate the green color in the room decor. But being within an environment of something green is worth a lot more.

Working in a revitalizing environment is what one desires to focus and stay productive.

The same can apply to the home office too.

Getting a green plant will do the trick- it makes you breathe fresh air along with adding some prettiness to your home office space.

To add further, you can also look at the plant the whole day as an eye exercise.

4. The Wall in Grand Style

Somewhat similar to hanging pictures on the wall is the entire concept of a gallery wall.

A gallery wall is nothing but a group of items- photographs, paintings, and other forms of art stacked and hung together on the wall.


As much as a home decorated with pictures looks nice- an entire section of the wall dedicated to many pictures is nicer. It indeed enhances the quality of your home office.

The gallery wall can make your office look really sophisticated and highly cultural, depending on the kind of art you use.

You can even frame your favorite quote and hang it for inspiration, alongside the other drawings and paintings.

Aim to make your walls look pretty- style it the way like your living room- only with limited decors.

5. Give in to Optimization

Optimization is one of the most significant decorating ideas.

You can give different styles and even color it according to your likes- but all of these go in vain if the office nook of your house is messy.

A mess is always a broken deal. You will have a difficult time to work if your work environment is disorganized.

Source: Twitter

Will you be able to focus on your work if the desk you are working on has unimportant documents and other stationery items?

No, I guess.

In such a scenario, your obsessive need to arrange things comes to the rescue. Maintain your documents and other items inside a storage unit, maybe.

Organize your working tools as per your convenience but in order.

Use every small space of your home office, if possible.

If needed, put cabinets up to the ceiling, stock every item, even those that are more likely to end up in your drawers.

6. A Ray of Light

There is no such thing as working in the dark. You ought to choose a portion of your house that has exposure to light.

By light, I don’t mean the light bulbs but instead a natural light.

When the sun rays fill the room, that automatically lightens up the room along with your mood.

This is refreshing.

Working in the dark makes you sulky, and especially when you are under lights 24x7, it is not that healthy.

Using fogged window films can surely help you as you can have the blinds up, like always.

Once the blinds are up, sunlight can pass through, which will even feed the room plants.

As a result, your plants will be alive, and you will be lively.

Isn’t this the whole purpose of a lighted-up home office? - Lively implies productive.

Source: Twitter

7. Mix and Match

Keeping your home office open to new additions is a smart choice.

There might be more nice decor ideas implemented in your other rooms. You can easily take designs from there and apply them to whatever suits the work environment as long as it is straight.

You can mix and match accordingly.

Something old, something new- a unique combination.

Source: Twitter

If you are unable to find anything vintage, get it from a market.

Something modern with a touch of vintage brings in some fusion.

Doing this, you will have everything that would make you feel like working in your personal space instead of a typical workplace feeling while working in your home office.

8. In the Color

Your home office design should contain multiple kinds of sober color- in fact, the more color- the better.


Adding black and white to your office furniture or pictures even makes it appealing. But, the walls look more beautiful if they reflect color variance.

All you have to do is be smart in choosing the colors. Keep in mind to avoid funky colors too much.

So, the vibe you get from those color-filled walls will be fun and professional at the same time.

This environment will motivate you to move to your home office instead of operating from the bed and be lousy the whole day.

9. A Sigh of Comfort

Be it in the office or home, what is that one thing all of us look for?

The answer is- Comfort.

If you are not at ease being somewhere, why would you even want to be there?

Because comfort comes first, one needs to feel themselves at home yet not.

And while working, one craves for that zone to retain focus on work.

Sort everything in an orderly fashion- keep books alongside which you can resort to, during breaks, or maybe a snack cabinet in the storage unit to reach out to when hungry.

So, try creating your office to give you the work atmosphere in a relaxed mode. Work and comfort have to go hand in hand to be efficient.

If you are more comfortable working in the bedroom rather than your home office, you might as well just shift there as there is no point.

Source: Twitter

Or you could turn your work area into a more comfy zone that it already is.

Make that a priority if you are looking to work with full effort.

10. Silence is Golden

That significant decision when it comes to choosing the perfect space for the home office.

Have you assigned the corner room to be your home office or the room adjacent to the living room?

Selecting a room for the office turns out to be a principal decision.

Be it an office or study, when you enter the room, you require some space to yourself to finish that critical task or the book you are halfway in.

If your office is in some random spot where you are working on something and hear the doorbell, it creates a distraction.


Distractions caused by petty issues are unnecessary- due to which you should play smart and select one of the corners of the house. Along with it, the windows and doors can be soundproof just in case you need extreme silence.

Wrap Up

The stated ideas are pretty simple, aren’t they?

For an apt home office, you have to put in a capable effort. The outcome has to be fulfilling and suit your preferences as you are the one who will be working in your office.

It should be appealing enough to move you from your comfortable couch and start operating from your home office.

When there is a dedicated workspace, ideas, creativity, and competence all pop in, there is no room left for procrastination.

Your environs itself drives your energy towards work.

This article is written by Dipshi Bhattacharjee. Besides working as a Content Writer at Vantage Circle, she is an animal lover with a huge fascination for Cinema, Television & Foreign languages. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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