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Line Manager Roles and How To Be A Good One

4 min read
Last Updated on 25 June, 2021
Line Manager Roles and How To Be A Good One

As we know, the modern workplace has grown slowly over time, leading to new organizational strategies. Employees must, however, understand the novel approaches and decisions of the higher management to work efficiently.

Line managers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between the employees and upper management. They relay the necessary messages and developments to their respective teams to maintain a smoother workflow within the organization. Whether to manage the employees or supervise the daily operations, the purpose of a line manager has evolved with time.

This article will discuss the roles and responsibilities of these managers and how they play their part in organizational progress.

Line Manager Meaning and their Responsibilities

A line manager is a person who supervises the employees and reports the progress to a higher-level manager. They are responsible for managing the employees and overseeing all the needs to achieve their specific and important goals.

Some of the added responsibilities of these managers include:

  • Talent acquisition to fill in vacant positions
  • Organizing developmental programs to upskill the employees
  • Encourages cross-collaboration
  • Providing feedback
  • Recognizing and awarding efforts in a timely fashion
  • Measuring metrics and analyzing progress
  • Evaluating individual and team performance

The responsibilities may vary with the growing changes and advancements of the corporate world. They must adapt to the changing dynamics and influence the workforce in getting along with the progress.

Difference between a Line Manager and an HR manager

Realistically, you cannot see much difference between a line manager and an HR manager. The underlying fact here is that both the managers have to work together to accomplish each other’s responsibilities.

Their roles are similar; however, the main difference is that a line manager has to oversee the organizational goals and achieve them. In addition, they look after their respective teams and their needs.

On the other hand, the HR department has to assist these managers in recruiting, training, and developing employees to accomplish the objectives. They are experts in staff management and overseeing the more essential requirements of the organization.

People who run businesses need to manage them with the help of these manager’s expertise and an HR manager’s experience. It is one of the crucial management roles in an organization. A combination of both parties is what runs the organization on the path to tremendous success.

Becoming a Good Line Manager

To become a successful manager, you will require specific skills and understand the employees’ needs to perform at their best. Here is a list of what it takes to become a great line manager daily.

1. Value Everyone’s Effort

Employees need the right temperament and attitude to keep working at high levels. Without the willingness to work, there will be a significant drop in productivity and performance. Employees must fulfil keen to fulfil their responsibilities with enthusiasm and dedication. And that is only possible if you value their overall efforts.

Any effort that helps in the organization’s progress must be remembered, recognized, appreciated, and awarded if efficiency is maintained. Remember that it is not a one-time thing. It is a continuous and progressive process that will keep changing and evolving with time. You just need to moderate the method and adapt to the ever-changing dynamics.

2. Ditch Micromanaging

Employees must keep track of their work’s progress to carry out their job proficiently. Therefore, it is vital to keep checking the progress of their work. And by that, it does not mean that you will resort to micromanaging. On the contrary, it is one of the biggest enemies of employee productivity and hinders their ability to think clearly.

The practice of micromanaging is detrimental to the mental health of an employee and diminishes autonomy. In return, it affects an employee’s overall morale and their capability to fulfill their roles. Instead, give them the liberty of their work to create a greater sense of responsibility in them. Furthermore, concentrate on what the team needs that will make it easier to carry out their job.

3. Communicating

Communication is something that we cannot ignore. Without a robust communication channel, it will be difficult and impossible to collaborate effectively and achieve the objectives.

An effective manager communicates efficiently with the team members and relays all the information regarding any organizational developments. Therefore, they must show transparency when it comes to work assessment. Further, they will make the communication process much easier so that each team member can understand each other’s responsibilities.

4. Being honest and ethical

You know you are a good line manager when your team trusts you. The right way to develop trust is by showing ethical behaviors and honesty. In addition, a manager’s job role demands communicating with a diverse set of people with varied ideas and opinions.

Maintaining the equilibrium in a team is an absolute necessity to respect and understand each other. It reduces any chances of conflict, and you remain fair with the workforce while keeping their morale high.

5. Be Supportive

One great trait of any good manager is their ability to support their employees in times of need. There will always be challenges and roadblocks that will need the correct mentoring. A good line manager will instantly figure out the team members’ difficulties and address the issues instantly.

Assisting and providing a helping hand at the right time is always crucial so that no employee feels left out. Furthermore, assurance of help and assistance during a problematic situation helps to build trust and confidence among employees. Thus, allowing them to fearlessly innovate, experiment with ideas, and create a psychologically safe working environment.

Summing it Up

Employees are the backbone of any organization, and managing them in a way that will keep their morale high and intact is crucial. In addition, their productivity and engagement levels will determine the organization’s success in the long run.

The line managers make it possible with their overall efforts and experience to maintain the enthusiasm and zeal of the employees to work. So that the company can achieve the long-term goals and objectives. If you have any suggestions, do let us know in the comments below.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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