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6 Management Skills Every Manager Should Have

5 min read
Last Updated on 07 July, 2021
6 Management Skills Every Manager Should Have

If you run an organization, then you are pretty aware of the importance of management skills. Proper management in an organization fosters productivity and work ethics in the workplace.

Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing- Warren Bennis

Managers are the glue that keeps an organization stick together. The manager sets goals for the group and works deliberately to meet these goals.

It also happens that managers often fail to figure out why their peers underperform. Therefore, the smart move for managers is to figure out the necessary management skills to improve their chances of success. And take time to figure out the essential management skills to improve their chances of success.

Here is The List of 6 Management Skills Every Manager Should Have

1. Empathy

'Empathy' means the ability to understand and relate to others' thoughts, emotions, and experiences and has a vital significance in good management. It's one of the fundamental skills for any manager across the globe and can't be ignored.

Empathy lets you connect to your employees at a very core level. It helps you being sensitive towards your employees' work overload. It also enables you to understand the needs, hopes, and aspirations of your employees. You become more willing to help an employee with personal problems compassionately.

This positively reflects in their job performance. Empathetic managers are better performers and appreciated for their thoughtful contribution.

The bottom line is that managers who display empathy have the upper hand over their peers who have difficulty expressing sympathy.

This soft management skill is not and fixed trait and, therefore, can be learned and developed. Center for Creative Leadership, the global provider of leadership development in their white paper, reveals that managers can hone empathy by-

  • Being an active listener would allow them to understand others' concerns and problems.
  • Taking into account the perspectives of the employees.
  • Cultivating compassion and considering the impacts of the business decisions on employees, customers, or clients.

2. Communication Skills

This management skill is vital for any manager. Often managers have strong technical skill sets, but they miss out on a lot due to a lack of communication skills.

Communicating in a workplace is different than what we do in general. You work with diverse teams and employees in an organization. Good communication is crucial to maintain an effective work relationship. The more open and verbal communication is, the better it is. Good communicators always have the upper hand in management since they can create a link of expression effectively.

Like I said earlier, workplace communication is different than what we do in general. Here, it is about efficiently explaining the goals or targets, products, and services, action plan, assigning tasks, giving feedback and appreciation, and handling any change in action and responsibilities.

Suppose you have a master plan or a solid idea to help your business in leaps and bounds. Your inability to communicate can restrict the project. Or you want to express your team about a new exciting prospect, and you fall short of words to bring the same excitement in them. That's when you can consider improving your communication skills.

3. Motivation

Motivation keeps the managers at ease and energized. Motivated managers know how to keep team spirits high even at complex tasks. Managers with good motivational skills also learn how to handle conflicts and opinions with an excellent diplomatic approach.

They know where to draw the line while giving feedback and pointing out shortcomings of the effective teams. They identify the weak links in a group and helps them realize them and motivate them to overcome them.

Another way to keep employees is to reward them. This not only motivates them but also encourages them to work harder. Though rewarding is a crucial practice, but for a few employees, recognition plays an equal role too. They get motivated when they are recognized for their skills and good work.

Management is nothing more than motivating other people- Lee Iacocca

4. Problem-solving and Decision-making Skill

They say to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. That is what problem-solving and decision-making skill helps you do. The job of problem-solving and decision-making is very critical in the workplace. It is inevitable for any organization not to face challenges. Addressing those with the right attitude is the key. Managers with this management skill take any in-hand problem responsibly.

Managers with problem-solving and decision-making skills know the right way to-

  • Critically analyze the problems and find their root cause.
  • Strategize a plan with proper brainstorming with the team members.
  • Implement steps and measures for both minor and significant issues in the workplace.

5. Encouraging a Healthy Work Relationship

If you see successful managers and influential leaders, this is one aspect you find familiar in them. They value and encourage work relationships. They promote work relationships with team members and respect each other's perspectives.

A healthy work relationship between the employees is crucial for them to enjoy their work. If employees are not comfortable with each other, it becomes difficult for them to work towards the same goal.

The manager or the team leader plays an important role here to encourage work relationships. This soft skill is often ignored, which, if executed with the proper understanding, can create wonders for the organization's internal health.

Following are the steps managers can take to encourage a healthy work relationship-

  • Managers must ensure employees get a common forum to discuss and share ideas and everyone is given an equal opportunity.
  • Encourage healthy work competition.
  • Promote transparent communication.
  • Be neutral and do not be biased.

When managers hone their management skills, they help the organization grow and create a happy workplace for all.

6. Emotional Intelligence

Did you know, in 33 workplace skills, emotional intelligence ranks #1 in importance?

Emotional intelligence refers to the capability of a person to manage and control his or her emotions and the ability to control the feelings of others as well.

Managers with high emotional intelligence are aware of their surroundings (workplace) and how the employees feel. It gives them perspective, and they self-regulate and be more empathetic towards them. This sensibility to hear and understand the employees helps break the glass door between them and helps the organization as a whole.

Related: Understanding and Utilizing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

When managers hone their management skills, they help the organization grow and create a happy workplace for all.

This article is written by Braja Deepon Roy. He works as a Content Creator and Digital Marketer at Vantage Circle. He actively participates in the growth of corporate culture and keeps himself updated in this space. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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