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Steps To Take After Getting A Poor Employee Survey Result

4 min read
Last Updated on 28 January, 2021
Steps To Take After Getting A Poor Employee Survey Result

In a feedback-driven company culture, an employee survey is integral in driving organizational changes.

That’s because it helps you point out the organizational flaws and work accordingly to find the necessary solutions. Thus, increasing employee engagement and satisfaction, which in turn reduces turnover rates.

However, some surveys turn out to bear poor results, which can negatively impact your company. This, in turn, will hint that a lot of work still needs to be done to perfect your organization’s survey tool. You must listen to the suggestions and work on the flaws that have been pinpointed. Not taking prompt and decisive actions to improve employee surveys will hinder your organization and employee engagement levels.

Keeping the problems in our mind, let us take a look at all the possible solutions that you can implement to improve your employee surveys.

6 Actionable Steps to Improve your Employee Survey

1. Focus

Asking too many questions in a survey can do more harm than good. Instead, focus on the right issues, which will give you the necessary information about your employees. Employees tend to spend very little time on surveys, which is why it is important to focus on the appropriate ways to approach a survey.

Moreover, try to address one problem repeatedly raised by your employees. Do not bundle it with other issues. This way, a survey becomes very specific, less time consuming, and better engaging, which can bring in the essential result that you want.

2. Communication is the Key

The best possible way to improve your employee survey is to communicate clearly. Regardless of whether the survey results are positive or negative, you must share every outcome with your employees and be transparent. This will increase trust, and your employees will feel more confident about the system.

Have a conversation with your employees and acknowledge what they have to say. If there is room for improvement, then do not hesitate to work on it. Implement necessary solutions to make the system more effective and systematic.

3. Following up on Feedback

Another crucial element in improving your employee surveys is to go through genuine feedback. Once you run a survey ask your employees to put in their feedback. After which you can go through all the feedback and point out the weaknesses of the tool.

Your employee’s opinion can prove to be a crucial point in improving your survey as they will be able to give the exact point of view on what they think of the existing survey tool. Based on their suggestions and feedback, work on the necessary improvements, and implement them. Their feedback will be solely based on a practical basis, which will help you develop a more refined employee survey that will be employee-centric.

4. Emphasize on implementing new ideas

Trying out new ideas come in handy if you pick the correct approach with necessary brainstorming sessions. Collect opinions from different teams, employees, and have a mindset that is open to suggestions. Be more dynamic and try to gamify it to make it more engaging.

Make sure to include all the collective ideas and give it a trial run before finalizing it. After trying it out, go through the data and choose the ideas that worked the best for you. This way, you will be able to develop further and enhance your employee survey tool.

5. Targetting the right goals

Before trying out your employee survey tool, make sure that you have set the right and tangible goals that your organization wants to achieve. Having clear goals is important for the motivation of everyone within your organization. This helps to set up a concrete system that improves the workplace.

Also, keep in mind that your goals align with everyone in the organization, which is only possible with good transparency practices. Have honest conversations with everyone and keep them on the loop so that they feel valued.

6. Keep Negativity out of the Zone

Whenever you receive poor feedback from your employees about the survey, do not hit them with negativity. Instead, try to understand the flaws and shortcomings which they pointed out and work around them. Always appreciate your employees for raising the issues.

This way, you will be able to gain the trust of your employees and respect their valuable opinions. It will also portray that your organization has a healthy culture that takes care and listens to their employees. Thus, improving the bottom line and increasing retention of the company.

Summing it Up

Conducting timely surveys is quite important if you want to mold your employee engagement strategies further. However, it needs to be updated continuously, and regular follow-up should be done to bring the best out of an employee survey tool. Negative feedback should not pose a problem, but it should be taken as safety measures to make the system better.

Proper action planning will not only help you improve your surveys, but it will also actively support employee engagement.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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