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7 Ways to Build a Resilient Workforce

4 min read
Last Updated on 21 May, 2021
7 Ways to Build a Resilient Workforce

The corporate world is getting competitive and challenging with each passing day. And with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, keeping up with the competitive landscape has become an uphill battle. To face the challenges, the organization and its workforce need to become resilient to adapt.

A resilient workforce will assess situations and work around them. They will come up with new ideas and help the organization drive forward during difficult times.

This article will discuss how an organization can build a resilient workforce to achieve more prolonged success.

Building a Resilient Workforce

1. Preparing employees for the future

One of the most important steps in building a resilient workforce is preparing them for the future. Nobody knows what the future holds. But, everyone can get ready for it by analyzing the changes.

In the very same way, analyze the trends of the corporate world and assess them. The more time you prepare for the necessary changes, the more likely your employees will be ready for the future.

2. Adequate Training and Learning

Knowledge is everything in this ever-growing world. The more knowledge you gain about a subject matter, the greater your chances of excelling in it. The same thing applies to organizations when building a resilient workforce.

Providing the necessary and adequate training to the employees is crucial to fulfilling their duties.

The more in-depth knowledge they have about their role, the more likely they will achieve their long-term goals and help them succeed. This is why learning opportunities provided through training are vital to boost their capabilities in the long run.

3. Meaningful Work

At one point or another, we might have realized that a job without any purpose seems vague and discouraging. Similarly, if your workforce cannot find meaning in their work, it hampers their morale and motivation.

This is why you need to check your employees and ask them if they are satisfied with their work.

Encourage them as much as you can and help them figure out the choice of their job. This will motivate them to find meaning in their work, increasing their productivity and bringing efficiency to their job. Thus, helping you foster a resilient workforce.

4. Heed on Workplace Stress

One of the important steps towards achieving a resilient workforce is to heed on the stress levels. Increased workplace stress will mean diminishing productivity that will harm employee growth.

Decreasing the stress levels should be a collaborative effort from both the organization and the employees. The organization should focus on the ways through which they can help employees deal with stress.

And at the same time, employees should open up about workplace stressors and discuss the problems with the management. Both parties should work on formulating a plan that will help reduce the problem and bring more efficiency.

5. Problem-Solving Capabilities

An organization is good when the workforce has the necessary problem-solving skills. With it solving issues become easy during difficult times. This will build resilience in the workforce and prepare them for tough situations.

To enhance your employees' problem-solving abilities, they must understand what situation they are in and how they will assess it. The more specific analytical skills they have, the better they will get in problem-solving.

Thus, improving the organization's performance even when times are challenging, like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

6. Focus on Mental health

The ongoing pandemic has minimized socializing, and organizations have been forced to implement remote working. Such situations have increased the risk of mental health, which is a concerning issue. And to reduce the issue of mental health, organizations can come up with unique programs that focus only on improving mental health.

Such programs can include:

  • Online team-building activities.

  • Social connectivity through various tools.

  • Sessions that will help the mental health.

  • A robust communication system.

The primary purpose should be to maintain constant communication where no one feels left out. And suppose anyone faces a hard time dealing with the situation. In that case, they should be encouraged to open up with their problem that can be further assessed, and counseling can be provided accordingly.

7. Regular surveys

One of the most efficient ways that will help you build a resilient workforce is to conduct regular surveys that focus on employees.

The survey should include questions-

  • About the daily challenges they face
  • The resources they need
  • What the management can do to improve their experience.

A more refined survey will help you give a clear insight into how the employees are doing. Once you get the results, work on the critical changes and heed the needs. Provide them the resources and help your employees improve their work performance. This will transform them into a resilient workforce that does their job with authority.

Summing It Up

Building a resilient workforce might not be an easy task to achieve. It will take time, proper planning, and execution. However, with unity and robust communication, it is achievable that will help the organization in the long run.

So, work your way around it and trust your employees. Allow them to learn and devote themselves to the greater good.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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