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8 Ways To Celebrate Success At Work

10 min read
Last Updated on 06 July, 2021
8 Ways To Celebrate Success At Work

The usual understanding of success at work revolves around these basic career assumptions- a six-figure salary, getting to the top of the corporate ladder- winning promotion after promotion, and having a cozy, corner office.

But employee attitudes, desires, and demands have changed over time. For example, personal lives have become an important consideration while deciding on careers now. Most employees now talk about a perfect work-life balance when they mean job satisfaction.


Also read: An All-In-One Guide To Boost Employee Job Satisfaction

Today's workforce wants their achievements to be seen, valued, and appreciated. Employers are swamped with new choices for keeping a multigenerational workforce happy.

But how often do you praise your successful people for their achievement? How often do you take the opportunity to celebrate success at work?

It's easy to get caught up in our everyday routines and forget to appreciate and reflect on our team’s achievements.

We tend to forget that we are social beings that rely on the cooperation of many people to succeed. Celebrating an occasion is essential for social bonding and connecting with one another.

Why Should We Celebrate Success At Work?

As you celebrate your wins, others look for ways to participate in what you have successfully built. – Bill Carmody, Trepoint Founder, and CEO.

Here are the top four reasons celebrating successes in the workplace is beneficial for you, your team, and your business:

1. Assist you in reflecting on your work.

It reminds the team of their goals and the tasks they've performed to get there. They can also reflect on the benefits of working so hard. It helps to know what worked well and what changes they need to make.

2. Develops relationships.


Celebrating success at work helps the team to get to know one another better and see how their bonds have evolved over time. It builds trust and stronger relationships with each other.

4. Gives them the most needed break.

Changing your team's mindset from "work" to "celebration" can give you and your team renewed positive vibes to work better.

4. Serves as a morale booster.


Celebrating success at work is a huge motivation for your team. Your employees will be even more productive if they feel valued and know you've observed their efforts. Another most potent morale boosters you can provide to employees is letting them know that they work for a successful company.

Now, let’s look at these top tips on improving your chances of achieving success at work.

7 Tips To Quickly Achieve Success At Work

1. Never say “No” to learning.


You must help your employees to adopt the mindset of continuous learning. It is a terrific method to sharpen their skills and abilities.

You can have faith in their abilities, but you must first recognize their strengths and weaknesses. It will help you to develop them and maximize the team’s performance.

2. Maintain a positive perspective.

Maintain a balanced viewpoint, no matter how well or horribly things are going. Resist the urge to yell or be harsh to your employees. Your low mood may be the cause of a decrease in productivity and team morale. Rather, find out the right channels via which you can make suggestions for improvements.

3. Encourage positive stories!

It can be about individual employees, such as discussing activities when employees went above and beyond to assist a customer. It can also be about an employee who came up with a fantastic product or product enhancement.

Such positive stories can be beneficial to businesses and employees. It promotes positivity, builds team relationships, a healthy work environment, and employee engagement. So, take this golden opportunity.

Set aside time at each staff meeting and ask them to share positive tales and interactions.

4. Be in the lead when it comes to problem-solving.

Managers frequently delegate responsibility to staff, particularly when things aren't going as planned. On receiving positive results, some like to take credit for other's hard work.

Even when things are complex, you must be at the forefront of accountability. To achieve success at work, you must have the natural ability to solve the issues and provide direction at critical times.

5. Always listen and communicate.


Leaders who don't listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say.

In your career as a manager, you must strike a balance between offering instructions and listening to employee feedback.

While you provide general guidance, your employees are the ones who make an idea a reality. If you don't actively listen, there's a reasonable risk you'll get disconnected from the vision's process and progress.

6. Recognize achievements.


If you are a boss or a leader who wants to celebrate success at work, consider the following questions-

  • What are some effective methods to recognize others at work?
  • When should you provide recognition?
  • What is the best way to provide recognition?

If you have a standout member of your team, don't hesitate to brag about their success at work. It is not just to raise their morale but also to enthuse the rest of the team about more significant goals.

7. Make time to meet your team.


You can connect over phone calls but whenever feasible, ask your team members to meet you in person.

Spending time over weekly meetings with the entire team and one-on-one sessions with specific team members is fruitful.

You'll gain a better understanding of your team and how they function. In the long run, improving these meeting habits could have a positive impact on your office culture!

Being a manager entails more than being in a position of authority. It calls for a continuous effort to guide and motivate others to improve. If your team achieves that level of growth and achievement, you are an excellent manager.

Your success at work as a manager cannot be assessed solely by the goals you've accomplished.

It would help if you also gave the team credit for finishing a project. The progress of your employees should be a part of your personal and professional improvement.

Businesses must take a step to make celebrations a priority. It will help their high-performing teams and employees to stay engaged.

Celebrating success at work is a fantastic way to express gratitude. It boosts employee morale, strengthens the team, creates bonds, and increases employee engagement.

Some great reasons to celebrate success at work are-

  • A profitable quarter
  • Completion of tasks or projects
  • Work anniversaries
  • Meeting goals such as sales quotas
  • Getting higher ratings from customers

Here's a list of ideas on how you can celebrate success at work.

How To Celebrate Success At Work?

1. Say "Thank You" at work.


Official greetings or a bonus can be given later, but don’t wait to thank an employee for their hard work. Recognizing your employees publicly for their amazing job is the nicest gift you can give them.

Tell them in detail about all the valuable contributions they provide to your firm. Highlight the fact that their excellent work makes your job easier. You can do this within 10 minutes, but the impression will endure a long time.

It communicates to the individual that you are aware of and appreciates their efforts. Try to acknowledge it instantly, maybe through a quick message on your recognition platform. Because as they say, recognition delayed is recognition denied.

2. Reward them.


Just saying “Thank You” is often not enough. If you have the option, include a reward!

Consider whether and what kind of rewards could be most appropriate for your teams and employees.

Employee rewarding has changed drastically in today's globalized world culture. Because of its cost-effectiveness, many companies are now implementing a point-based reward system. Employees are excited when they can use their reward points to select the reward that they want.

3. Take advantage of exclusive corporate perks.


Everybody loves deals and discounts on buying products, and your employees are no exception.

Wouldn't it be great if you can help your employees save money on everyday necessities?

Vantage Circle provides unique perks and corporate discounts as part of a comprehensive employee benefits program.

Your employees can avail discounts and attractive deals from leading brands, with Vantage Perks. The top categories include dining, travel, gadgets, furniture, and more.

Well, can you think of a better celebration than this?

Integrate with Vantage Circle for an exclusive employee rewards & recognition experience. It offers points to your employees and gives them the flexibility to pick their rewards.

Relevant blog: Corporate Employee Benefits at ZERO cost

4. Share success at work stories on social media.


Post your team member's success at work stories on the company's social media.

You can share their victories on social media like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. As a result, your employees will feel appreciated by your social media audience too.

It also provides everyone with valuable insight into the work culture of your company. It promotes authenticity, establishes brand identity, and creates a human connection with external audiences.

5. Money talks and money celebrates.


Year-end employee bonuses are typical in many companies, and they are based on overall business and individual success. These are wonderful, but often the bonuses are so unrelated to the actual job that they don't feel like a celebration.

They often become standards, which means they stop being a cause for joy. It becomes a part of expected compensation—like every paycheck.
Consider giving bonuses throughout the year (maybe quarterly) in the event of target fulfillment.

Make sure to include the entire team when you pay a bonus.

6. Celebrate success at work with a team lunch for an achievement (bigger or smaller.)


Any success at work calls for a celebratory party.

You can start by giving pizzas for small accomplishments that are still noteworthy. But for a very significant accomplishment, a big celebration is a fitting celebration. Maybe you can plan a day for an exclusive banquet, live entertainment, and an open bar.

7. Organize awards ceremonies.


(via Vantage Rewards)

Make one-of-a-kind awards for each member of the team and plan to have an award ceremony. An awards ceremony is an excellent way to recognize your employees' accomplishments.

Awards like the best team player award, the engagement champion award go a long way in motivating your employees.

Additionally, companies that are committed to employee engagement will benefit greatly from these events.

Even though the coronavirus pandemic has reduced in-person award presentations, the show must go on. A virtual award ceremony is the next best thing you can often do to celebrate professional success. Without fancy clothes, gourmet food, and live entertainment, it can still be a success.

8. Don't forget work anniversaries.


One of the many forgotten occasions is honoring an employee's work anniversary.

According to a survey article by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Globoforce, now Workhuman, 18% of those polled employees say anniversaries aren't often celebrated enough.

You may show your employees how important they are to the company by acknowledging their anniversary. It will also remind them that another year of dedication is worth celebrating!

There are many unique ways of celebrating work anniversaries.

You can include plaques and trophies. People can keep these trophies on their workstations for years to come as a concrete reminder of the company's gratitude. They're excellent additions to a work anniversary gift, but they're insufficient.

We can celebrate success at work in a variety of ways.

The key is to figure out what works best for you, your company, and your employees.

It may be after-work events when major milestones and targets are met or praising employees while at work.

What is important here is that your way of celebrating success at work should be open and transparent to your employees.

Before you go here are a few quotes on celebrating success at work. These will surely get you super motivated.

Top 5 Celebrate Success At Work Quotes

Colleagues should take care of each other, have fun, celebrate success, learn by failure, look for reasons to praise not to criticize, communicate freely and respect each other. - Richard Branson

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. - Bill Gates

Learning to celebrate success is a key component of learning how to win in the market.- Douglas Conant

Celebrate your successes. Find some humor in your failures. - Sam Walton

It's important to celebrate your failures as much as your successes. If you celebrate your failures really well, and if you get to the motto and say, 'Wow, I failed, I tried, I was wrong, I learned something,' then you realize you have no fear, and when your fear goes away, you can move the world. - Sebastian Thrun

So, here are the final words from this blog-

One of our prime goals is to create a happy workforce and assist employees in enjoying their jobs. And acknowledging and celebrating success at work is a fantastic way to achieve this goal.

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a podcast host and content creator at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest in research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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