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Succession Planning: What Managers need to know and its Benefits

4 min read
Last Updated on 29 June, 2021
Succession Planning: What Managers need to know and its Benefits

Replacing key employees has always been a major headache for organizations in the long run. New hires tend to lack the necessary skills, experience, or leadership qualities. This poses a significant setback and wastes precious time trying to find the ideal replacement.

However, that would not have been the scenario if an organization had a proper and working succession planning programs. Such programs remove the void of skill gap and help an existing employee become capable enough for a particular role.

But we first need to understand the concept of succession planning.

What is Succession Planning?

It is a strategy implemented by organizations so that specific roles can be passed on to an employee or a group of employees, ensuring a smoother flow of work. Succession planning helps an organization to replace its most important employees that move on to new opportunities or retire from their current tenure.

The key takeaway here is that it applies to any significant position at any organization level. It helps your company to prepare for the future and come up with all the necessary contingencies so that there is room for growth and advancement.

Few of the benefits of Succession Planning-

  • Reduce hiring costs.

  • Identifies talent within the organization.

  • It helps the company plan for the long term.

  • Increases employee retention.

  • Upskilling and boost in performance.

  • Knowledge transfer and improving it according to the changes.

Kickstarting your Succession Planning Program with these simple tips

1. Know your position and devise a plan

It is crucial to understand what you want to accomplish and the areas you want to improve. Figuring out the shortcomings and the things revolving around your organization will give you a clearer picture of the things that impede your progress. Basically, you must figure out the company’s core values and the right fit for it.

Once you figure it out, come up with a concrete plan to help you align your employees towards success. Guide them and prepare them for the future that will eventually lead them to step in the right direction and fill in the organization's more prominent roles.

2. Pick your Candidates

Pinpointing the right candidates capable of stepping up to take the positions of a departing employee is important. But before selecting the candidate ask these questions to yourself-

  • Who will be the best fit for the vacant position?
  • What will be the necessary training for them?

Once you can come up with definite answers to these questions, you will be able to move on towards the next step. Look for people with the skillset that stands out from others regardless of their current position. However, before selecting the candidate, approach them with the proposal and discuss how it will help them eventually grow. Do not rush into decisions and patiently wait for the right moment and the suitable candidates.

3. Set up Training Programs

One of the essential steps towards implementing a successful succession planning process is to set up an effective training program. A training program will help your employees to develop their skills and provide them with the necessary platform for proper growth. It will prepare them for the future and increase their knowledge about their new role.

Another aspect of conducting training is to give them a first-hand experience of the responsibility that they will be getting soon. With the help of mentors, candidates will be able to plan their steps and boost their abilities strategically. This will help them to have a broader view of what’s expected of them and the necessary upskilling.

4. Run the program

The next step will be giving a trial run of the succession planning program that you came up with. Give the program a significant amount of time so that you can assess the efficiency of the program. This will help you recognize the flaws and the areas of improvement before finally launching it.

Moreover, it allows your candidates to understand the goals and objectives of the program fully. The program showcases the whole demographic of how the organization is structured and how succession planning will help everyone to keep things running smoothly.

5. Make it Engaging

Creativity has no boundaries or limitations. It allows room for innovative thinking and unique ideas that make you stand out from the others. The same can be applied in your succession planning program, where you can come up with different approaches to make the program more engaging.

Try to gamify it and include fun activities so that learning becomes more manageable. Making it engaging means active participation and indulgence of your candidates, which will help them learn and develop their abilities in the long run.

Summing it Up

While we conclude the article here, you can start strategizing how your organization can develop effective succession planning. Prioritize according to the needs and work around your employees so that the system remains transparent. The program should motivate other employees as well to improve themselves so that there is healthy competition. It will help them develop themselves, but it will also bring the best in them.

Assure them that this will help their career growth, increasing their engagement, and boosting their productivity levels. Improving the organization’s bottom line in the long run and gaining employee loyalty as well.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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