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The Influence of Technology in the Workplace

6 min read
Last Updated on 18 May, 2021
The Influence of Technology in the Workplace

From the clattering keystrokes of a typewriter to getting real-time updates with a press on the keyboard, the work culture has come a long way. And the adoption of technology in the workplace has massively impacted the way we used to work.

Getting work done has never been so easier as it is now.

The importance of technology in the workplace is known by how it has created a collaborative work environment. Instead of remaining limited to big corporations, modern technology is also helping small business owners achieve big goals.

With various hardware and software tools at their disposal, business owners are more self-dependent than ever before. Let it be a face to face interview through video conferencing or assigning tasks to multiple employees, technology has made things more streamlined and simple.

Induction of Technology in the Workplace

The influx of technology in the workplace began with wheels and sails, facilitating humans to reach faraway lands and across the blue barrens.

Today the roots of technology have penetrated much deeper into our work lives.

Modern workplaces are now mostly occupied by tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z employees. For keeping up with their needs the inclusion of technology becomes even more important. And as such, computation has become an inseparable part of today’s workspaces.

The constant flow of innovative technology has influenced much of the workflow around today’s enterprises. Businesses are now relying more on technology than ever before to thrive in today's competitive marketplace. And this, in turn, has led to a shift in the prevailing human work nature.

Moreover, with the inception of cloud-based tools and technology, one’s workplace is no longer static. Professionals can now participate in workplace activities from anywhere they want via the internet. And this arrangement facilitated the rise of "The Remote Workers" and "Telecommuters."

Moreover, with the inception of cloud-based tools and technology, one’s workplace is no longer static. Professionals can now participate in workplace activities from anywhere they want via internet connectivity. And this, in turn, gave rise to a new race of workforce also known as “The Remote Workers or The Telecommuters”.

At the bottom line, the use of technical tools has influenced human resources around organizations. The induction of technology has not only enabled industries to keep up with the fast-paced work culture. But it has also enabled employers to address some of the key workplace issues.

Benefits of Workplace Automation

About 40% of workers said they left a company because they lacked access to state-of-the-art digital tools. (Randstad)

Automation is used to describe anything that doesn’t need much human involvement and is carried out via pre-programmed machines.

For example, searching for a document from a pile of files is no longer an issue with file management systems in place.

Automation is an essential requirement for a 21st-century workspace. Unlike the earlier 12-hour work loop, work schedules have now become very irregular. The globalization of businesses has opened avenues to cater to millions at a go worldwide at any given time. And this change has bought in the urgent requirement to automate much of the work processes.

This processes include everything, beginning from tracking employees' performance at the workplace to ensuring delivery of services to clients globally.

The availability of various SaaS tools has made recruiting, training, and engaging employees much simpler and faster.

Key Points for Which Workplace Automation Becomes Necessary:

Better Communication

Tasks are better performed when there is clear cut communication between the employers and the employee.

Be it a meeting via video conferencing or taking stock of the progress over instant messaging. Various business communication tools available in the form of desktop and mobile applications have made seamless communication possible. Thus, bringing in better coordination yielding the best results at the workplace.

Improved Efficiency

Use of technology helps solve issues like file management, report generation and growth tracking that often hamper employee productivity.

Modern workplaces extensively rely on computer-aided tools for efficiency. These tools help cut down both the time and money needed for getting the job done. Facilitating the employees with the latest tools in the workplace helps them to be more creative and efficient. Also, having a real-time system for delivering comprehensive feedback on their work could help your employees deliver the desired result.

Enhanced Workforce

Enhancements come after the right decisions are taken and applied based on accurate scalable metrics obtained.

Incorporating technology at the workplace help the employees do more with fewer efforts. This saves both their time and energy, which they can vest upon some other work. Also, the cloud-based tools enable the employees to stay at their work even when they are away. All these factors help employers keep a check on the productivity of the workforce.

Therefore, enabling them to take proper decisions to ensure an enhanced workforce.

Key Areas for Involving Technology in the Workplace

Modern technology offers the flexibility to customize any product or service to one’s need. This key point has facilitated many business owners to opt for technology-driven tools in the workplace.

The use of technology has changed the way employers managed various activities around their workplace.

Some of The Workplace Functions Influenced by Technology:


Recruiting the best people for a job can be a tough task. And it's not likely that the employers will find the right talent just next door. However, cloud-based tools and social media have duly answered this issue. Employers can now look for and engage the right person for the job from across the horizon. The advent of social media has also played a major role in this regard.

This has not only helped organizations to diversify their workforce but also expand their presence globally.

Related: Best Recruitment Tools- A Comparison with What, Which, & Why


Onboarding is the process of making the new hires familiar with their work. As such, it requires a lot of engagement from both the employers' and employees’ ends. In large corporations, it may not always be possible to put equal emphasis on every new employee.

However, the use of proper tools in the workplace streamlines this entire process. Conducting onboarding sessions online is much easier than reaching out to every employee personally. This helps to save crucial time and resources, positively impacting the overall productivity and standard of the workplace.


Employee engagement has become a necessity for every modern day enterprise. The influence of various SaaS systems similar to Vantage Circle’s employee engagement platform suite is very notable in this regard.

Employers can now engage their employees on the go irrespective of any geographical barriers that may exist.

With most working-class members belonging to the tech-savvy generation, engaging them through mobile has become the only solution. Also, adopting a cloud-based platform is now helping employers save much of their tangible resources.

Performance Management

This is one of the primary areas where the benefits of technology are clearly visible. Gauging workplace productivity has never been much easier before the inclusion of technology. Various performance management tools is facilitating employers to get accurate data about their workplace activities.

Based on this information, decision-makers are now able to take the right step at the correct time.

Workplace Surveys

Employee surveys are an integral part of modern workplaces. They provide much indeed insights into any concerned matter and helps shape decisions. The process of surveying and compiling data may become cumbersome in the case of a large workforce. However, using automated survey tools makes this task much effortless.

It makes collecting data and compiling meaningful information much faster than the conventional ways involving pen and paper.

Run Effective Workplace Surveys and Drive Engagement With Vantage Pulse

Employee Benefits

Delivering employee benefits is a crucial part of an organizations' employee engagement practices.These benefit may include things like employee discounts, wellness program, or rewards. These can now be easily disbursed with the help of a cloud-based platform similar to ones' provided by Vantage Circle. Involving such a platform lets the employees choose their benefits as per their desire. Thus, paving the way towards a successful employee benefits program.

Project Management

Project Management is another core area involving the maximum use of technology. The inclusion of such tools in the workplace simplifies the approach of managing wide array of projects at a single time. Project management software help teams to keep a close check on their day to day progress.

A project management tool also facilitates collaboration between teams.Thus, maximizing productivity and lessening efforts.

Signing off

In today's highly competitive market, technology has massively changed work culture. Enterprises around the globe are thriving for the top position with the inclusion of the latest technology in their workplace.

Issues faced by business owners earlier are no longer a concern with technology solving most of them. Involving tech at work has optimized the workflow for delivering better results in less time. And with businesses moving towards the use of cloud technology, the roles involving various tech-driven tools and services have also expanded.

Working as a SEO Analyst and Content Marketer at Vantage Circle, Angshuman always stays curious and is passionate about learning new things. Got any question? Drop a mail at editor@vantagecircle.com

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