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6 Types of Meetings Every Organization Should Focus On

4 min read
Last Updated on 21 May, 2021
6 Types of Meetings Every Organization Should Focus On

For any organization, meetings are the fuel for productivity. They are an integral part of any organization, and we are aware of that.

Every organization holds meetings vigorously to stay updated, discuss ideas, solve problems, make collective decisions and ultimately reach its goals and objectives. It allows them to address the organization's issues, keep track of operations, productivity, team building, and more.

According to Harvard Business Review, 71% of senior managers said meetings are unproductive and inefficient.

Shocking data, correct?

Another stat reveals that collectively 15% of the organization’s time is spent in meetings.

Does this mean that the organizations should not give much emphasis on meetings? No.

It is because of the inefficiency in conducting meetings and spending many hours working on unnecessary meetings.

Here in this blog, I am discussing the six types of meetings every organization should focus on

1. Town Hall or All-hands Meetings:

Townhall meetings or all-hands meetings are where each organization member gathers in a town hall to discuss ideas, give feedback, and share their views on the management and vice versa.

Townhall meetings are symbiotic in nature. It gives both the members of the organization and the top authorities a channel to put across their views and help them understand each other.


  • The direct interaction with the leaders helps the employees understand the core culture and values of the organization and in its reinforcement.

  • The management understands the mindset of the employees and gets a platform to address their queries.

  • Remote teams get to meet each other and share their work experiences and learn in the process.

2. Team Building Meeting:

Team building meetings help your team work better together. It helps improve team culture and builds a collaborative workforce that thrives together. As Helen Keller rightly said, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

You may have team members who work remotely or don't share the same office space in your organization. Team building meetings build this gap and bring every member of the team together.

It is essential only to invite people who work on a common goal or department to such meetings. Inviting people from irrelevant departments can completely ruin the purpose of team-building meetings.


  • It improves teamwork.
  • It motivates, energizes, and encourages team collaboration.
  • It builds the relationship among the team members.
  • It helps the members know each other and their respective goals and objectives.

3. Innovation Meeting:

In this time and age, creativity and innovations are crucial factors for business development. This is very crucial for any organization to grow and sustain. That's why innovation meetings are some of the most important meetings.

Conducting innovation meetings is a great way to brainstorm and discuss/share new ideas.

Hold a meeting with the creative team or the people whose insights you trust. Please keep track of the discussed ideas and push them further to research and act on the same. Often the best of ideas get swayed away if not implemented immediately. So, follow up with actions and assign immediate tasks to respective teams.


  • It keeps you relevant in the business.
  • Encourages members to engage in the organization creatively.
  • It helps to think outside of the box and solve problems.
  • It helps management gain creativity in the workplace.

4. One-on-one Meetings:

If you run an organization, you know how important it is to keep track of your employees' happiness. How they feel about the company culture and if the working environment suits them or needs improvement, and more. One-on-one meetings with your employees help you understand those aspects better and more. If your employees are not happy and engaged, your dream to run a successful workplace will always remain a far-fetched dream.

Try and conduct one-on-one meetings with your employees regularly to get a clear perspective on employee satisfaction. Make sure to be more empathetic towards them and actively listen to them in the whole process.


  • It builds the relationship between the team members and managers.
  • It improves employee productivity.
  • It helps in employee retention and makes a loyal team.

5. Problem-solving Meeting:

It is inevitable not to face problems in the workplace. Problem-solving meetings are oriented around solving problems that teams and management face in the workplace.

The purpose of these meetings is to develop new strategies to counter the present problems or prevent similar issues in the future.

The problems faced by any teams or members should be addressed in the meeting, and attendees must actively communicate with each other, find the root cause and take immediate actions to resolve it.

It is advisable only to allow team members facing those problems to minimize unnecessary discussions or inputs.


  • It helps teams to think better and improve their problem-solving ability.
  • Problem-solving helps the team to develop better communication and understanding among them.

6. Decision-making Meeting:

A vast majority of business decisions are made in meetings. When you involve a team in making an important decision, you decide which is informed, well-thought, and brewed from collective intelligence. Each attendee brings his/her perspective and knowledge. This makes the process very effective.

When one person makes decisions, it often leads to conflicts and creates ineffective team goals and direction.


  • It increases trust among the members of the organization.
  • It helps to form informed decisions based on knowledge and understanding.
  • It assists in the overall growth of the organization.


Meetings play a significant role and add much value to the organization's success. Therefore, it's vital to conduct meetings that help the organization's growth, time, and effort. Don't hesitate to comment on your views of different types of meetings or any insights you have.

This article is written by Braja Deepon Roy. He works as a Content Creator and Digital Marketer at Vantage Circle. He actively participates in the growth of corporate culture and keeps himself updated in this space. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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